This afternoon Benny came running up to me to show me his yummy rawhide! I let them both out back to go potty and he wanted to bring it along. I made sure it stayed inside for when he came back in. Kota was her usual talkative self while I was getting their harness and leashes on! We went for a shorter walk today since it was pretty hot out. I had Kota use her little backpack again. She messed around with it while she was waiting to go, but once on our way she didn't even notice. When we got home they both cooled down a little. Benny brought over the rawhide and we played some fetch with it. I liked that because he can't hold onto it as easily with his death grip, so I was able to toss it more for him! Kota was hanging out in her kennel for a little while. One time that I threw the bone for Benny, she came running full boar out of her cage and ran for it! They chased around for awhile and she eventually got the bone. We played fetch some more, then she laid down and gnawed on it for a bit.