This morning Stormy was lounging on a dining room chair. As soon as I walked in, she meowed hello. I started getting their food ready, then Stormy hopped down to visit me in the kitchen. She came along to get working on her breakfast right away. Sadi was snoozing away in her bed. I woke her up and brought her to the bathroom for her morning medicine. The girls snacked on their food, while I refreshed their other dishes. Sadi and I headed to the living room when she was finished. She wandered a few steps away from me, then finally settled to get brushed. Stormy was ready to play with her shoe string! After awhile I set the brush down and was petting Sadi. Stormy wandered around behind me, then came up and started itching her chin on the bristles. She's so silly. This evening Stormy was sitting, all curled up on the back of the couch. Sadi was sleeping in her bed again. I got her her evening meds and eye ointment. I got her nose cleaned up, then set her down and she nibbled on some food. They were out of their dry food, so I mixed up a bowl for them today, to hold them through tomorrow. They are doing well!