Today Patches was peeking out the front window when I pulled up. When he saw me coming he quickly ran to his spot on the counter. He was a little stinker again today and was trying to get at the food as I was getting them on the plates! Snickers and Clovis went out to eat. It was super nice out today! Instead of eating right away, Clovis decided to sit in her window and enjoy the nice warm air. I moved Clovis's plate up to the bench for better access. Snickers decided to head around front after eating. I tried to get him inside but he wanted to stay outside today! Patches didn't want to come inside today either, but eventually I got him in. Clovis was the only one who went in willingly! I turned on the sink again for awhile. Clovis went in and took a drink. Patches got some more attention before I took one last look around outside for Snickers.
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Just imagine that Patches can talk like Forrest Gump: :Jenny, where are you Jenny, you're my girl!"