This evening Oreo was in the kitchen to greet me again. He took his medicine and started on his dinner. I went to scoop their box and noticed Stuffy was sitting at the top of the stairs again. I went and met Oreo at our spot and he went to work on his snacks. I called for Stuffy a few times, but didn't see him come into the living room. But then, Oreo and I both heard him! He was in the kitchen getting his snack. Oreo perked his ears up, looking a little concerned that someone was eating his food! Haha! Oreo snuggled up next to me after he got plenty of his treats out. He enjoyed lots of pets and chin rubs. I went to go see where Stuffy was after awhile. He was now hanging out in the bedroom entry. I sat down by him and gave him a little attention as well.