Blackie came up to say hi when I opened the garage. He must have been resting inside. I could hear the other three, barking excitedly. I let them each outside for a potty break. Next, we headed back in for dinner. After I filled everyone's dishes, I noticed something moving above me out of the corner of my eye. Sparkles was sitting up high on top of the cupboards! She came down and got a few scratches while the pups worked on dinner. Hudson was finished first, as usual. He sat with me to get some attention until the others finished. After everyone got a drink, we all headed back outside. They went racing to the opposite side of the yard to say hi to the neighbor dog. Blackie kept me company, and was happy to be pet. He wouldn't let me stop even for a second! When it was time, I put the pups back to bed.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
This morning Flax was in a deep sleep. He didn't even hear me pull up! I walked close and quietly called his name so I wouldn't scare him. He sat up and gave me a big bark. He slowly got up and made his way to say hi. We sat outside a bit, then he wandered off to take a stroll. While he did that I got him some fresh food and water. Next, I went to visit the little kitty. He was very shy at first, keeping his distance, but obviously wanting some attention. He would startle and zoom off, but never too far! I got him a little food as well. This evening, Flax was snoozing away again. I added a can of food to his dish and he got right to work. While he was eating I visited with the kitty for awhile. Tonight, little kitty wasn't shy anymore! He was loving on me and purring away. He rolled around on the ground nearby, then would come over for more attention. Flax came over and put an end to that! Kitty took off to hide, so now it was Flax's turn for attention. He and I sat in the driveway for awhile. He walked circles around me, having me scratch different sides. Eventually, he laid down and enjoyed the evening air.
Oreo & Stuffs
Today I had some talkative kitties! Oreo was making his way down the stairs as I came in and gave me a hello meow. He stopped and rubbed his face on the posts, then met me in the kitchen. I got them some fresh food while he plopped at my feet and rolled around. As I was headed to clean their box, I saw Stuffs on the stairs. When he saw me looking at him, he gave me a couple meows. He did a big stretch, then came down to see me. We all sat in the living room downstairs and they got some attention time. I pulled out a couple toys and we had fun with those for a bit. I saw the cat nip spray and spritzed a toy. Oreo loved that! Stuffs got bored and hopped up by the tv to look out the window. The birds were going crazy out there! Oreo laid by me for some chin scratches. He'd suddenly jump and turn around to look at the birds. Then, he'd plop his head back on my hand, purring away. "Ok, you can resume petting me!" He made me laugh. Both kitties eventually got bored with me and went to nibble on their food.
Susie & Frank Fritz
Your note was right... Frank sure is a bouncy little guy! But he's super cute so its ok. ;) I fed them both right away when I arrived. Frank quickly finished his food and came over to say hi. We worked on having him sit if he wanted to be pet. He actually didn't do too bad! He sure loves attention. Susie came wandering over by us, wanting some pets too. Frank got all excited and started wrestling around with her. He'd pinch onto her cheeks and she'd stand there and tolerate it, giving him a scolding occasionally. She's such a good girl! This evening the pups were around the side of the house when I came out. They both came running when they heard me! While they worked on their supper, I refilled their water bowl. It was laying upside down by their dog houses. I put their other water bowl outside with them just in case, so they'd have enough if he decided to play with the bowl again. Frank came bouncing over after dinner for his attention. Susie came over too and was happy for some back scratches. I got them each a treat to work on. Frank was being silly, barking and pouncing on his before he finally started eating it! They had some more fun messing around with each other afterwards.
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today miss Kimmie was in the same spot, waiting by the front door for me to come say hi. She followed me into the kitchen and was waiting right there for me to come back, while I went to say hi next door. Kimmie jumped up on the back of the couches and raced along with me as I headed to the bedroom to refill their water. Jerrie was snuggled up on the top of his tower today. He came down, laid on the floor with me and enjoyed a long brushing. He laid next to me and purred away. He tilted his head to the side and rested it against my face. Such a sweet boy! Miss Kimmie wandered in by us and sat in the window behind the curtains again for quite awhile. Later, she came out and climbed up their kitty tower to play a bit. She rolled around in the cubby and peeked over the side at me. She was being a silly girl today!