This morning when I arrived, Oliver jumped up on the window, barking to say hello. I squeezed my way through the door and said hello back to both of them, giving them hugs and kisses. I gave them their breakfast first. May ate hers all up right away. Oliver took small bites, so it took him a little longer. Once he was done, I gave him a yummy cheese treat with his medicine secretly hidden inside. He gobbled it right up. After that, I took a seat with the two of them in the living room. Oliver jumped up to give me a smooch, then curled up on a chair of his own. May hopped up on my lap seconds later, cuddling with me and keeping me nice and warm. This afternoon, surprisingly Oliver didn't jump up on the window when I arrived. He actually waited patiently inside the door until I came in. They both greeted me again with wagging tails. Oliver saw a person walking, through the window, then bolted through the doggie door to go outside and bark at them. I couldn't help but laugh! May curled up on a chair and got cozy, then Oliver came back in and did the same on the other chair. I gave them a treat before I had to leave. This evening they patiently waited for me behind the door again. I stepped in and Oliver gave me kisses, while May sniffed the bottoms of my jeans. She could tell I was with other doggies earlier. I let them eat after that. They ate a lot faster than this morning. They were hungry puppies. Once they were done, May curled up on one of the steps, while Oliver curled up next to me on the couch. He was such a snuggle bug. Then May got lonely and curled up by my feet for a bit, before wandering over to one of the chairs.