This evening Zoie was happy to see me! She was hopping up and down at my legs when I walked in. I let miss Sadie outside, then Cole was prancing along behind me for his turn. When they came in, then Zoie went out for a bit. I got the other two their dinners to work on. Cole got his medicine. Zoie came back in and started gathering her toys. We played a little bit of fetch, when she would let me. Cole returned and was full of energy! He was hopping around on the floor, play growling and chasing after a toy I tossed around for him. Miss Sadie was happy just getting her attention!
Monday, February 10, 2014
Hope & Tag
Today Hope nearly slipped and fell on the floor when she came to see me! I tricked her by coming through a different way today I guess. We all headed outside for them to do their business. Hope's friends were out, so she made sure to visit with them. She came over and gave me a few hugs in return for pets. I told her to go get her toy, then she would run over and pester Tag. Haha! She did that a few more times. Silly lady. They roamed around for awhile, then came in when it was time.
Rusty, Ruby & the kitties
Today Ruby zoomed out of her bed and was racing about the house. She slid into the laundry room and waited for me to open the door to the backyard. We went out back and they did their business. Rusty headed in pretty quick to go look for his ball. Meanwhile, I visited with Lance in the living room. He was my little lap warmer for a bit, purring away as he enjoyed being pet. Rusty and I went out to play fetch after awhile, when he finally located his ball. He picked up the purple one, but that wasn't his red ball! As I filled up their water before I left, Lance was being a silly kitty. He hopped up in the spot where the bowl sits and was looking and pawing underneath. What a goofball!