This morning the boys met me at the door as usual. We headed outside quick, then they ate their breakfast. They were ready to go for their walk! We saw some fun things today. As we were walking, Taz spotted a big white kitty sittinf across the street. The boys really wanted to go get it! Once we passed, they got focused back on our walk. Then, I spotted a huge turtle up ahead in the field! They wanted to go check out what that goofy looking thing was. We headed onward to the pond and kept our distance from mister turtle. We saw another one dive into the pond when we got close. As we made our way back, we watched the big turtle being rescued since he had ventured into the road. Before I left I noticed the roomba was off and sitting under a chair. It must have gotten stuck, so I returned it to its station. This afternoon the boys and I went outside while they enjoyed their rawhides. We took a break to come in and cool off at one point since it was pretty hot today. We went out once more before it was time to go. There was a dog outside by the corner of the fence that they had to go talk to. This evening there was a nice breeze which helped it feel cooler out. The boys did their business while I got their food and water ready. Clyde was bouncing around after, already getting excited for our walk. We took a nice stroll down to the pond. There were some other people out tonight, jogging or walking their dogs. The boys took one more potty break when we got home.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today Jerrie was sitting in the doorway of the front room to greet me. He must have gotten impatient since I was watering the plants quick. Inside I got them fresh food, water and cleaned their boxes. I took out the trash too, so Jerrie waited for me by the door. He walked with me to their room and hopped up on the desk. Soon he came down for me to brush him. He moved up to his spot on the tower, so I continued there. I laid my cheek against his head and he rubbed his face all over mine and purred away. He's such a sweet boy. Miss Kimmie was literally hanging out! Haha! She had her head and a front leg dangling over the side. She moved and I almost thought she was going to fall right out! She played for a minute, then enjoyed some chin scrathes. She must have seen something outside today, or thought she did. She suddenly sat up, then laid back down as if to say 'nevermind'.
Dawn, Gallagher, Bobo & Snowflake
The dogs were more excited to see me today! They hadn't gotten into anything else since my last visit. I got them their can of food right away and made sure they still had enough dry food and water. I went to feed Bebe while they were working on that. Today Gallagher came and barked at the door while I was in there. When I went to see Bobo and Snowflake I had shut the bedroom door first. I apparently didn't shut it tight enough! When I was in by them I heard Gallagher push that door open and then he and Dawn came to sit outside the bathroom door. They took turns barking so it was actually kind of funny to listen to! Bobo and Snowflake were lounging in their bed when I came in. Bobo came right out to visit with me. I held him for a little bit, then started cleaning their boxes and made sure they had enough food. By now, Snowflake had her head peeking out of her little bedroom, watching me. I gave them each a couple treats. Snowflake wasn't quite fast enough, because Bobo ran over and stole one! Later Bobo was rubbing his head on the rug again. Must feel good! Snowflake came out and joined him. I tried holding them some more, but they really wanted to get down and investigate things! Bobo thought he'd taste test my shoes, but they weren't very tasty. He moved on and sniffed around. Before I left I got them a couple more treats. Now, time to visit the curious pups! Dawn curled up on the couch with me while Gallagher stood in front of me. They each got pet for a bit. They must have heard something outside, because they both took off to check it out. They came back and visited a bit longer, then I got them each a treat.
Murdy & Charlie
Last night Murdy came running when I stopped in to get Charlie another dose of eye meds quick. They both meowed hello and tried to follow me around. This morning Murdy was sitting by the door again, waiting to rub up against my legs when I walked in. He walked down the hall with me to see Charlie. His eye seems to be improving. It isn't as swollen as it was yesterday. I put his drop in, then we went to play with Murdy. Murdy was the curious kitty again today, hopping up on the counter to help me wash their water dishes. He had made a mess with his food kibbles, so I picked that up a bit. Charlie was a little talker as he darted along with me to different areas. I had to smile when I saw the boys sitting in the ray of sunlight that was beaming in through the door. Murdy even started giving Charlie kisses on top of his head! So cute. Once I finished cleaning up, it was play time. I got some of Murdy's favorite toys out, which he batted at for a minute, then lost interest. He tried tackling Charlie a couple times, but eventually stopped trying when I wouldn't let him have any fun! Haha! Finally I got Murdy to play with me and his blue tunnel. I scratched on the inside or outside of it and he would pounce into the side of it. He'd paw and try to catch my fingers. Then he'd zoom through the tube head first, trying to catch me again! Charlie played with us a bit too, and would even try to help Murdy. Charlie spent most of his time today curled up in my lap, with his motor running loudly. He's quite the snuggly little boy! Before I left I got Charlie's second dose of eye drops in.
Sadi & Stormy
This morning I didn't see any messes or any kitties when I walked in, so I went to check the patio for Stormy. She was already making her way to the door to see me. Plop! She started rolling around. She was even more lovey today than yesterday! She had me scratch her head, then she kept rubbing her face on my knees. She gave my knee a little lick too. She trotted in behind me and helped me get their food ready. She followed along again to get eating while I tool care of Sadi. Sadi was snoozing under the foot of the bed. She did well for her meds and didn't have any issues today. I let her eat, then I went to the living room. Stormy had curled up on a chair, so I just tried calling her to see what she'd do. She hopped down and started circling me again, purring away. Sadi came out to join us and both girls got some chin scratches today. I got lots of thank you licks from Stormy this time. She is craving more attention each day, so I know she will be very happy to see mom home! Sadi's eye looked alright today so I will see how she is with just the one dose today.
Rusty, Ruby & the gang
This morning was a pretty typical visit for us. Rusty crawled off the couch from his nap and I let Ruby out. The three of us headed outside and they did their business, while I filled the water bucket. I gave the turtles and Salem fresh food and water. Ruby and Rusty got to work on their breakfast next. It was a beautiful morning, so we spent the rest of the time outside. This afternoon I saw Justin, Heyday & Chloe were all laying in different spots in the shade. It got pretty toasty out today. Rusty brought me his ball and we got a few throws in. I didn't want him to get too hot, so we took a break to head in and cool off. He carried his ball in and did his little dance, like he wanted to continue our game. I had to tell him not in the house. Haha! This evening he got a longer game in. I fed everyone and put Rusty's bowl up until later. He was too interested in playing. Ruby made sure to check when she finished hers, but it wasn't there for her to steal! Ruby had been out of her cage for the afternoon and was a good girl again. While we were sitting outside, Chloe got a little spunky and was galloping and tossing her head about. That was funny to see!