Friday, December 26, 2014

Carson, Cate, Bubba & Bella

This evening I came in and said hi to the pups. Cate and Carson went out first, while I got them some fresh water. I put the leash on Bubba for his turn, since he wasn't coming out on his own. As soon as it was on, he knew what he needed to do. While he was out, I got dinner ready for everyone. Bella got some pets in her bed, while the pooches all ate. I let Cate and Carson out for round two, and silly Cate was too busy following me around to go out! I had to trick her to follow me out back and sneak back inside. Haha. Bubba went out for his last potty break before bed as well.

Poppy, Pita & Simon

Today Poppy instantly came running over and pretty much attached herself to my legs when I walked in. Guess she was craving some attention! Haha. Pita was all curled up on a blanket on the bed. The kitties did well while I was gone, they didn't run out of anything. When I finished getting their food and water, and scooping their boxes, I went to visit with them for awhile. Poppy was zooming in and out from the patio. She came in and played with the feather toy a bit. She made me laugh when she would stand on her hind legs, like a bear, with both front paws stretched out and batting at the toy! Pita was rolling around on the floor next to me, loving up all the attention. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Simon sitting in the doorway of the bedroom, just watching us. I said, "Hi Kitty!", then he did a purr-meow and came running over. He gave me a quick sniff, then was loving up some attention. I was so surprised! Guess he wanted some love too. Simon was walking back and forth getting as many pets in as he could. So awesome! All three kitties eventually took turns out on the patio while I was there.

Ranger & Cleo

This morning I spotted the pups outside. They were both just sitting down, then I realized they were busy watching some of the neighbor dogs play. Cleo saw me and came running over right away. Ranger took a minute, but then he raced over as well. They tackled each other, both trying to take over my attention. Haha. They were busy trying to wrestle each other all the way to the shed. I saw the goats were way at the back of the pasture this morning, grazing away. The pups came in and worked on breakfast for me. Afterwards, we went back out and they wrestled around some more. This evening, the pups were both lounging in the front yard, enjoying the beautiful weather. They both hopped up as I parked. Cleo came and waited by the gate for me. Once I got in, Ranger ran full force towards me. I wasn't sure if he was going to plow me over or not! Haha! He ran right by me, then came back to say hi. The kiddos walked me to the shed and we got their dinner out. Cleo wasn't quite as hungry tonight, but she nibbled a little. Back outside, the pups wrestled around a bit. Then, they heard the neighbor dogs come out, so they had to run over there to say hi. Some more from another neighbor came outside too, and they were going crazy by their fences. That kept Cleo and Ranger entertained for awhile.


This morning, Shadow was quick to greet me at the door, as usual. He started purring right away and was a talkative little man this morning! He waited patiently for me to get his breakfast ready. After I finished taking care of his other things, we sat in the living room. He curled up on my lap and got some attention. He kept trying to give me love nibbles on my chin! Haha. Shadow wandered off after awhile to go eat some more. He had fun climbing around on his new kitty tower after that! As I was leaving, he poked his head through the hole and gave me sad kitty eyes. "But wait.... where are you going?" I told him I'd be back later! Haha. This evening, Shadow was following me around while I got all his snacks out. He took some nibbles of his dinner, then followed me to his room to clean his box. When we finished, he snacked some more, then came and sat on my lap for awhile. He enjoyed his attention, taking the occasional break to snack. Shadow went to lounge on his kitty tower again and we had fun playing with the feathers hanging on it. I was a little worried he might fall off the top, he was getting so crazy! Haha!


This morning Pokey was sitting by his chair. He zoomed over to see me when I walked in and was bouncing around excitedly. He went outside for his morning potty break, while I checked on his food and water. Pokey was busy roaming around all over the place. It was very nice out already! At lunch time, I found Pokey lounging on the back of his chair in the family room. He hopped down and went out back for awhile. There were more kids and neighbor dogs out playing today, so Pokey was busy keeping an eye on them. When he came back inside, we snuggled up on his chair for awhile. This afternoon, Pokey ran up to the door to visit me. I let him outside and he got right to his exploring. He was having fun watching the neighborhood again this afternoon. It was very nice out too, so Poky stayed out for quite awhile.

Bella & Chico

It was very nice outside already this morning. I let the pups out and they went outside for awhile. Since it was so nice out there, they spent extra time out back doing some exploring. Chico came in and ate some breakfast for me, while miss Bella sat by me for some pets. I think she was waiting for him to be finished, since he was eating from her bowl. Haha! Sure enough, once he was done, Bella went to go eat. Chico was busy searching the living room for any leftover rawhides. This afternoon was beautiful outside. I let Chico and Bella out, and they spent their whole time exploring outside. When it was time to go in, they got their yummy peanut butter snacks. This evening, the pups took their potty breaks outside. Chico came in and was being sassy, guarding both food bowls. I told Bella it was ok, he can't hog it all, so then she ate some dinner. When it was time for bed, they raced each other to their room. They went in and patiently waited to see what snacks they'd get tonight!

Gracie, Molly, Emma & the kitties

This morning I let the girls out, while Gracie helped me get breakfast ready. Gracie went out for a quick break. When she returned, I got everyone their food. Molly laid down and she took one little nibble from her bowl, then decided she didn't want any. Henry wandered out to say hi while the girls were eating. The pups all had another potty break, and I let miss Gracie spend the morning out back. It was very nice out there today! This afternoon I let Gracie in and the girls got to play the whole time outside. Gracie hung out inside with me for some attention. I got her another treat for her ball, which she was busy working on. Molly and Emma were enjoying their time, relaxing in the grass. Molly even had fun rolling around. Haha. This evening, Emma and Gracie met me at the door. They all got their potty breaks before dinner. All three ladies polished their bowls clean for me tonight. Gracie helped me clean the kitty box while the other two were back out for awhile. Gracie got one more turn before bed and their cookies too.