This morning Suzie let out one little "how woo!" when I came in, then everyone ran over to see me. In fact it was Blackie that barked the most this morning, excited to eat! The girls were running circles around me, happy to get some attention. We waited until Blackie finished his food, then we made our way to the living room. It was a little too chilly outside this morning for a walk, so we stayed inside. Blackie snuggled up with me for awhile on the couch, and the girls had wandered off to their room. I went to go check on them after a bit. Katie sat up pretty on the bed and got all excited. Suzie came running in from the other room and jumped on the bed with her. I pet them for a bit until it was time to go. This evening I didn't get even a single peep out of the girls! Blackie was the only one barking, ready for his dinner. Suzie and Katie both came running to see me when they heard me come in. The sat with me, giving me kisses in return for snuggles while we waited for Blackie! We went for a longer walk this evening since we didn't get to go this morning. Blackie was waiting for us to come home again. They all got worked up and hopped excitedly on the couch with me for awhile. The girls wandered off to bed quietly when it was time and Blackie stayed curled up on a pillow.