This afternoon was cloudy and quite dreary outside. The pups, needless to say, didn't stay outside long! We played inside instead. Jimmy had fun playing fetch and Buddy was busy eating some lunch. Sugar had wandered off to her room to snuggle up in her blankies. This evening the boys were bouncing up and down at my feet as I came in. All three ran outside to do their business. They came in and ate quick, then went back out for a little bit. Sugar stayed out the longest, not seeming to mind the cold too much. She soon came in and wandered off to chew on a bone. Jimmy brought over his squeaker for me to throw for him. I sat on the floor by Buddy and he buried his face in my arm and snuggled up for a minute. Then, he used me as a ladder again to crawl up to the couch! He climbed to the top and curled up. He got excited every time I stuck the toy in the air, right up by him, to throw for Jimmy. He never went to get it though! Before bed, everyone lined up in the kitchen for their snack.