This morning I didn't see the pups when I first pulled up. But soon they had made their way outside and were wagging their tails standing by the fence. It was a gorgeous morning out, so we went out back to sit outside. I grabbed a few different toys to try and get Tank to play fetch with me. He would just watch it land, then look at me for more attention. CJ was being a silly girl, rolling around on the ground. Later we headed into the garage to get them their breakfast. They took turns again eating Tank's food, while the other sat and got pet. This evening there were two very happy puppies waiting for me to come into the kitchen! I saw mom's note and got them each a hot dog. We went out back again and I got them a fresh bucket of cool water. CJ went and dunked her face in, then came to give me some very wet kisses! They were both very snuggly as usual. CJ made me laugh when she decided to cool down by standing in the bucket. Then she went and rolled around on the rocks. Tank was having fun smelling my hair and getting his back scratched. I massaged his head and he just closed his eyes like, "Ah, that feels good!" I got them some more food and each a chicken treat before I left.