Today I could see both boys coming up to the door when they heard me outside. They ran along behind me when I came in, ready to say hi. The boys both hopped up on the counter to supervise while I got their food ready for them. Both boys ate well for me and Guthrie kept to his own bowl today. Haha. After they ate I scooped their box and vacuumed their area as usual. Then, Guthrie led the way to the office and kind of love hopped and threw himself up against the door. "My favorite thing. It's in there!" I got it out and shooed the boys out of the office to go to our spot. Guthrie chased and pounced as usual. Murdy slid in on the floor for a turn as well. He sure loves to play when he can get a chance! It didn't take long before Guthrie took over though. Poor guy! Haha.
Thursday, July 6, 2017
Oreo & Stuffs
This morning I came in and Oreo greeted me in the dining room. He ran off ahead to meet me in the kitchen. Stuffy was sitting under the chair in there, either ready for me or watching for his friend outside, or maybe both! Haha. I got the boys their food and delivered their plates. Soon, they were ready to head to the living room to our spot. Stuff didn't stay by me too long and he went to look out the window for awhile. Oreo was happy to get all the chin rubs to himself. This evening I came in and didn't see either of them. After a few minutes Oreo appeared in the kitchen, ready to eat. I called for Stuffy and he came down and peered through the railings on the bottom steps. I brought his food there for him to eat. They both had their fill, then went to wait for me. Stuffy didn't stay for too long again and wandered off for awhile. I later found him sitting by the back door. Charlie wasn't out there, but maybe he knew he was on the way. Haha.
Noell & Navi
This morning Noell was right in the kitchen to greet me. As I was rinsing bowls out in the kitchen I saw Navi looking in at me through the back door. She was all big eyed and made me laugh. Then, she raced inside to join us and get her breakfast. While the girls ate I did my things quick. Afterwards, I joined them in the living room. Noell stood nearby and got her pets. Navi climbed in my lap and tried to nibble on my hands as I tried to pet her, so I made her get down. Little stinker! Haha. Noell pawed at her fishy toy for a few minutes. Navi had fun jumping and sliding around after it for awhile too. I guess they were bored with me today, because they both eventually wandered off. Navi was right there when it was treat time though!