This morning the girls came quietly running up to me with their tails wagging like crazy! Blackie ate his breakfast as the girls took turns getting pet. Suzie tried to sneak around me casually a couple times to go by Blackie's plate. I was on to her though! After Blackie finished, everyone bounced around as I grabbed the leashes. The girls and I took a nice long walk this morning. We took a different route today. We had to turn around at one point because a couple little Chihuahuas were trying to follow us! They were good and stayed in their yard though. This evening the ladies came over and were lavishing lots and lots of kisses on me! They knew what was coming after Blackie licked his plate clean. Well, actually Suzie did. Then, we headed on our way! After we got home I sat on the couch and Blackie claimed my lap right away. The girls sat with us for a bit, then they wandered off to bed. Everyone got a yummy treat before I left!