Friday, November 25, 2011

Butterscotch, Marmalade & Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea and Butter both came to see me when I got in this morning. Marmalade waited until he heard the food again. After they finished, Butter took his meds. He's so good! I cleaned the boxes quick, then it was play time. I got a silly picture of Butter while he was meowing at me. It looks like he's singing! This evening it was Butter and Marmalade who were near the front door, awaiting my arrival. Everyone went and sat by their little name tag, while I got dinner ready. They know the routine! After they finished and I was done cleaning up, we played some more. I found the box of kitty toys and picked out a shoe string. Butter and Sweet Pea each took one end. They playfully swatted at the string as I moved it around! Marmalade sat in his usual spot and closely watched every movement of the string. I'm still waiting for him to suddenly come running some time!

Luke & Maycie

I let the kiddos outside as soon as I arrived this evening. Luke was already scanning my hands for a ball, as soon as he got out the door! I got him one and started our game of fetch. Maycie came and hopped in my lap for a bit. Later, she stole his ball one of the times I threw it for him. Luke just crouched down nearby and barked at her. So, I got him a new ball, which made them both happy! They ran in a big circle after each other, each carrying their own ball. When it was time to head in, I watched as Luke tried cramming both balls in his mouth! I laughed so hard! He didn't want to give them up either.

Zeus, Baxter, Zelda & Luna

Zelda was first to greet me this evening, right at the door. I pet her a bit, then let the pups inside. Luna is such a cutie! She gave me big hugs. The boys were happy to see me too, both coming up and rubbing their faces on my legs. I followed Luna around to make sure she stayed out of trouble. First thing she did was run to her room to get her big blue dog squeaky! I tossed that around for her a couple times. Baxter got working on supper, so I brought Luna to her room so she could eat too. Afterwards, we went back outside, just in case she needed to go potty again before bedtime. They all came back in, then I rounded up her toys to put in her bed.

Buddy, Bruno, A.C., Angel & Aspen

This morning I saw Angel sitting in the living room for a split second. She saw me, then ran for her hiding place under the couch. I got Bruno out, then he, Buddy and I went for our long morning walk. When we got back home, the kitties got their yummy food. A.C. was already waiting by the food bowl. Aspen was in the kitchen, so A.C. got a head start this time. This afternoon I came in to a leaky water heater. I found a pot to replace the little cup, which was quickly overflowing, and took the rug outside to hang dry. Buddy didn't like that at all. He wouldn't come in the laundry room and cried while I got Bruno ready, because he really wanted to go! I went up by him, attached his leash and got him to come with me. We went for a slightly shorter walk than usual, so I could get back to the leak. Aspen was curious, so he came and watched me! He and Bruno sat on the rug together. It was so cute! This evening I took the boys outside, then we came back in. I sat in the kitchen so Buddy could get some attention too. Aspen came and curled up on my jacket. He purred and rubbed up against my back, and loved every minute of being pet! Bruno ran off to get his duck. We played a long game of fetch with that in the kitchen.

Izzy, Daisy & Toby

Today Izzy was already at the door in the laundry room, waiting for me to come in! I guess she heard me coming. I pet her for a little bit right away, then went to clean her boxes. We sat in her room on the floor for a little while. She rolled around and purred away! Then, she could smell other animals on me, so she kept busy sniffing at me. I walked outside and saw both Daisy and Toby curled up in their dog house, sleeping soundly. They didn't hear me until I got close, then they were startled awake! I spent some time outside with them, then went back to little Izzy, who was watching through the window. She meowed at me and followed me everywhere I went.

Ginger, Scout, Tiger & Kitty

This morning everyone was still sleepy when I got there. Scout was laying in the corner and Ginger was on her bed. Tiger was first to run up and say hi. They all ran outside to do their business. Scout sat at the fence and watched the neighbor dog for awhile. Ginger stayed close, standing up against my legs for attention. After a little bit we went inside and I fed everyone and gave Ginger her meds. I visited with the kitty for a few minutes, then I decided to take the pups for a walk. When we got back, they each got a yummy treat.

Nigel, Sugar, Bradford, Heighty & ZZ

When I arrived this morning I found Bradford and ZZ hanging out in the front yard. I was so confused, but I quickly scrambled them up and brought them inside. I found the rest of the pack in the backyard. Sure enough, they had moved a few bricks and dug a small escape hole in the backyard. Surprisingly they were the only two that got out. Once that was all figured out, it was feeding time. I filled all their bowls and put them outside but only Nigel and Sugar would go out. It was cold and windy out, and the others refused. They were probably thinking "We just came in!" So I filled the bowls inside and they all snacked. I sat down until they were all finished. ZZ was attached at my hip ever since I brought him inside. He was such a cuddler. He also took his pill like a champ! Heighty kept bringing me a toy to throw for her, then Sugar would try to come and steal it. When Nigel wanted some attention he would just sit next to me and put his face right upto mine. It was so funny! Bradford came and gave me kisses every now and then, then Heighty would be a copycat. Also, both of the kitties came out to say hi for a bit.


This morning Ursa was excited to see me as usual! She gave me a big, warm good morning bark. She made me go outside first this morning. I always go out with her... silly girl! She waited for me to pet her a little before going off to do her business. She came in to eat her breakfast. I had to ignore her for a couple minutes so she'd eat, because all she wanted to do was play! We headed back outside once she finished. She watched the ducks flying in to land on the pond. She picked out a ball to play with, then we played a long game of fetch. She would slide around as she would reach the ball, pick it up, and make a quick circle back to me.

Bella & Zoe

Zoe burst out the backdoor this morning, Bella right behind her. They were always so excited to get out for a bit. I brought them back in and it was treat time. They took their treats and ran off, coming back after they were finished to see if I would give them more. They were still a bit sleepy, so it didn't take long for them to fall asleep while chewing on their rawhides. Tonight when I showed up, I let the puppies outside. Zoe didn't want to come back in right away, for the first time. I went out there to see why and she was racing the dog next door along the fence, barking and trying to sound so tough. I couldn't help, but laugh. She got tired and joined Bella and I inside. They got their treats, then started chasing eachother across the living room. Neither of them even had anything, they were just playing some tag.


This morning Chloe ran out of the front room to see me, wagging her tail and with a huge grin. We said our hellos, then she bolted for the backdoor. I let her do her thing while I refilled her food and water bowls. She must have known it was Thanksgiving yesterday because she ate all of her food for the first time! She usually just snacks when I'm around. She ran back inside and got a yummy treat. Then she grabbed her little reindeer toy so we could play some keep away. Once she was sick of that, she hopped up on the couch and sprawled out on my lap, demanding a tummy rub.

Fiona, Danner, Lew & Jenny

This morning everyone gathered around me as I walked in. Fiona and Lew both quickly grabbed a kong and brought it over to me. "More peanut butter please!" They all bounced their way into the garage for breakfast. We sat outside for awhile after they finished. Lew and Jenny kept wandering over by the camper, so I went over to see what they were up to. I couldn't see anything, but Jenny kept nosing around in the grass by the fence. Danner lounged on the porch by me for a belly rub. He's so funny! He kicks his legs and is so excited he can't sit still the whole time. Before I left I filled everyone's kongs with yummy peanut butter. This evening while I was getting their dinner, I noticed Fiona wasn't waiting in the garage with the others. Finally she came barreling through the doggie door, carrying a pillow! Little booger! I confiscated that while they all ate. We sat outside again for a little bit tonight. It was very windy and getting chilly, so we spent some time inside too. Once we went in, Fiona just sat in the kitchen and barked for her treats! Jenny, Lew and Danner all took turns getting some love. The pups all gathered in the kitchen when it was time for their snacks.


Shadow met me in the laundry room again this morning. He was sitting quietly by box. I went straight for his dish, which he had licked clean. He kept doing his love bite on my pants until I was finally done preparing his food. He had a little snack, then came to snuggle. I gave him another spoonful to keep him occupied while I took care of his litter pan. This evening he was sitting quietly in the laundry room again. He blended in with the darkness and kind of spooked me when I turned the light on. As I was getting his food ready tonight, rather then doing his love bite, he was actually circling my legs and meowing for me to hurry up. I don't think I've ever heard him meow before. He ate a little bit then hopped on my lap, purring away.

Piglet, Echo, Zephyr, Tony & Chickens

This morning the kitties got pet for a minute before their breakfast. Tony and the chickens were fed next. I have to laugh every time I go out there. One certain chicken likes to collect all the golf balls! So, when I get the eggs I spread them out in the nests, and when I return she has about four of them again! They all enjoyed picking up their lettuce pieces as quickly as they could get to them. Piglet was on the bedroom floor by the door, wide awake and waiting for me! She got a nice long tummy rub before she hopped up and took me for a walk. When we came back I had left her leash on for a minute. I turned around and Zephyr was playfully pawing at the end of it! This evening miss Piglet was eagerly awaiting my arrival. She left her post at the window to meet me at the front door. I got her dinner, then tended to the chickens. Everyone was all huddled in the coop tonight. They must not like the wind too much! I got them fed and tucked in. Now it was time for our walk! Piglet was a happy girl tonight, bouncing along as we went. She would come up to me and stop me for a pet now and again too. Back inside I played with the feather toy with the kitties for a little bit, while Piglet ate supper. She eagerly waited at the gate for me to get her her bedtime treat!

Abbie, Guinevere, Sonny & Tabitha

This morning I found Abbie snoozing in her little puppy bed. She ran as fast as she could to come see me. We went out so she could go potty quick, then she bolted back to the door. Then she followed me to the laundry room, ready for her breakfast. I started preparing all their food and seconds later I looked down and saw Abbie and Guinevere sitting by my feet, staring at me. It was so cute. They were always the first to come eat. I put out everyones food and all the kitties came out to eat. Even Tabitha walked right past me and hopped up on the counter to eat. This afternoon, Abbie met me in the hallway. We headed outside with her coat on and everything, but she was shivering almost instantly and wanted to go back in when she was done. I put fresh water in all the bowls and took care of the litter pans. After that, Abbie hopped up on the couch with me and cuddled for a bit, giving me lots of kisses. This evening it was raining before I arrived, so Abbie had to get her little paws wet when we went out. She didn't seem to mind at all. It was supper time when we got back inside. This time it was Abbie and Tabitha waiting in the doorway for me to give them their meals. Abbie scarfed down her food, while the kitties took their time. I sat with Abbie when she was done. She ate fast, so she was stuffed and layed down by me.