Sweet Pea and Butter both came to see me when I got in this morning. Marmalade waited until he heard the food again. After they finished, Butter took his meds. He's so good! I cleaned the boxes quick, then it was play time. I got a silly picture of Butter while he was meowing at me. It looks like he's singing! This evening it was Butter and Marmalade who were near the front door, awaiting my arrival. Everyone went and sat by their little name tag, while I got dinner ready. They know the routine! After they finished and I was done cleaning up, we played some more. I found the box of kitty toys and picked out a shoe string. Butter and Sweet Pea each took one end. They playfully swatted at the string as I moved it around! Marmalade sat in his usual spot and closely watched every movement of the string. I'm still waiting for him to suddenly come running some time!