Monday, November 21, 2011

Bella & Zoe

This morning Bella was all curled up on the couch when I showed up. She quickly ran to see me while I let Zoe out of the kitchen. I let them outside while I filled up their food and water bowls. Bella scratched at the door to let me know when they were done. I let them back in and they both started demanding attention. Zoe was jumping all over me and Bella was giving me lots of kisses. I felt so special! Then they settled down for awhile so I could give them treats. Tonight when I arrived, Bella was at my heels again while I let out Zoe. They went outside for me, regardless of the rain. I let them dry off in the kitchen for a minute or two before releasing them into the rest of the house. They weren't quite as energetic tonight as they were this morning. I think they were sleepy. They each grabbed a bone and picked a spot to chew on them.


Chloe was hiding behind the corner when I showed up this evening. She barked once or twice until I managed to get the lights on, then she recognized me and ran to say hello. She was suddenly filled with so much energy, she was jumping to get to the backdoor. I let her out right away. Even though it was raining, she still went out and took care of her business with no problem. She came back and knew it was time to play. I found one of her small, stuffed toys and she immediately stole it, playing keep away with it. She was going crazy, running around me and trying to get me to grab it before she quickly pulled away. She finally got worn out and layed down for a bit while giving me lots of slobbery kisses.


Sarge charged out of his kennel this afternoon. He beat me to the door then we headed out. He was bouncing up and down, trying to get me to stop and give him attention, but I led him to the grass so he would take care of business first. Once he was done, it was back to hopping. He would put both paws up on me so I would catch them and hold his hands. It was so cute! We went back in and after he got a drink, we sat by his bed and he got a tummy rub.

Toby, Tyson & Morgan

<p>This morning I headed in by Toby to give him his morning belly rub! He rolled over and enjoyed it for quite awhile. Then, it was time for breakfast! Once he finished off his food, we decided to go out for a morning walk. It was a little on the chilly side, but he didn't seem to mind. The kitties were both waiting by the door for us to return. This afternoon Toby got another long belly scratch before he came running out. After he got to play outside for a few minutes, he came in and we played fetch with his kitty. Morgan was in a playful mood again too. He chased after my hands as I moved them around on the carpet. I found a hair tie that I flung around for him a bit too. It was funny to see Morgan race after it! Tyson, was of course, content in his sink, drinking his water. He came and rolled around in the kitchen by me for some attention too.</p>

Piglet, Echo, Zephyr, Tony & Chickens

This morning Piglet curled up on her bed by the window and watched me. Echo came around the corner of the kitchen and stopped for a quick pet. She and Zephyr both hopped up by their food bowls and were dancing around excitedly for breakfast! They were moving so much I couldn't get a picture. Next I went outside to let Tony and the chickens out. He puffed up and was following me around. I pet him for a second while I spread their food. I went back in by Piglet and tried to get her to warm up to me a little, since she was being a bit shy. A couple treats helped! This evening Piglet was standing in the window, watching to see who was home. The kitties both came out to say hi and followed me around in the kitchen. I put Piglet's food in her bowl, then headed out to tuck the chickens in for the night. I wanted to take Piglet for a walk tonight, but the rain had started awhile before I got there. Everyone was inside the coop, snuggled up together on the highest perch. Tony was on the lower one. The little rooster came out of his house to see me as I gave him his portion of the snacks. Back inside I got Piglet leashed up and we headed outside so she could go potty. She no more than got off the patio, did her business right next to it, then was back under the shelter of the roof! Once we got back in, she started working on her dinner. I gave her a treat before I left.