This morning Bella was all curled up on the couch when I showed up. She quickly ran to see me while I let Zoe out of the kitchen. I let them outside while I filled up their food and water bowls. Bella scratched at the door to let me know when they were done. I let them back in and they both started demanding attention. Zoe was jumping all over me and Bella was giving me lots of kisses. I felt so special! Then they settled down for awhile so I could give them treats. Tonight when I arrived, Bella was at my heels again while I let out Zoe. They went outside for me, regardless of the rain. I let them dry off in the kitchen for a minute or two before releasing them into the rest of the house. They weren't quite as energetic tonight as they were this morning. I think they were sleepy. They each grabbed a bone and picked a spot to chew on them.