Saturday, October 18, 2014

Bradford, ZZ, Heighty & the gang

This evening Moody heard me come in and he hurriedly came to see me. He started talking right away. I pet him hello, then got dinner for the pups. They all came to say hi when I got out there as well. Bradford was busy hopping up and down excitedly. I filled their dishes, then they all started to get to work. Molly was roaming from bowl to bowl this evening, when one of the other pups would leave it unattended. I guess she thought the other food must taste better. Haha! I got them all some water, then hung outside a bit. Sugar came to say hi, then she was busy sniffing around at something in the grass.  Back inside, I made sure Moody had enough food and water as well. He enjoyed a few chin scratches before I left.


This afternoon Pokey barked when he heard me coming in. When he saw it was just me, he came running over to say hi. We went outside so he could take his potty break. Pokey sat with me for a little while to get some pets, then he went to explore. He was busy sniffing around in the grass. After that, the neighbor pup came out, so he wandered over to say hi. It was a beautiful day outside! This evening, Pokey was quiet when I came in. I called for him a few times and didn't hear or see him. Finally, I saw he was just sitting there watching me. Silly boy! I let him out for another potty break. It was still so nice outside. Pokey stood by the fence awhile to watch people next door. He seemed very interested in what they were up to! He got to say hi to the neighbor pup again before it was time to go back in.

Sophie & Roxy

Today the girls were barking at me from the fence when I arrived. I guess they were excited! I let them inside and they were bouncing all over the place. I got them their food, then they came to sit with me awhile. Paws were flying all over the place today. They'd paw at me, then the air, then each other, and start all over again! Haha. Roxy and Sophie both sprawled out across my lap to get belly rubs today. Roxy settled after awhile and went to sit in her chair. Sophie slid her way from one end of the couch to the other, being a silly girl. She took a break to go eat some food. They snuggled up with me for awhile until it was time. Roxy made me laugh today, because I caught her checking the ceiling for her shadows or red dots.

Murdy & Charlie

Today, both boys were coming down the hallway to greet me when I arrived. I pet them both hello, then went to take care of their things. Charlie kept dive bombing me along the way, trying to rub against my leg as I walked, and nearly took me out! Haha! I got them some more food and fresh water. There was still some softer stool today in the litter box. Hopefully their FortiFlora helps. I grabbed their toys and they followed me out to the living room. Murdy actually came and sat close to me, wanting some pets. Charlie hopped up and sat on my shoulder. Haha. Murdy was actually playful today! He spotted my sweatshirt strings and had fun swatting at those. That got him in a playful mood for awhile, so he had fun chasing their feather toy for a bit as well. Charlie went after the same toy at the same time at one point, then Murdy was done. He wandered off to go snack on some food, while his brother played a bit.


This morning I opened the back door and sat on the step. Jackson heard me and came wandering close. He was whimpering and crouching to the ground, trying to army crawl closer to me. I tried talking to him to encourage him, but he still just wasn't ready. We went inside and I got him a few treats. He sat closeby again as I sat on the couch. After a couple minutes, I laid on my stomach on the floor and hid my face. That gave him courage to come check me out. To my surprise, after a few sniffs, he squirmed his way under my arm and nuzzled his face next to mine! I sure wasn't expecting that! From that point on, that little boy was attached to me. He kept giving me hugs and snuggling up as close as possible. That made me happy. After a little bit I got his leash on him and we went for a little walk around the neighborhood. He enjoyed that too! When we got back home, I sat at the table to see if he'd eat his dinner for me. Sure enough, he nearly ate every last kibble. After he was done, we went out and I tossed his ball for him. He was in a playful mood then! He kept squatting down, daring me to try and take it. Haha. We had fun this morning! This evening I opened the door and sat down again. Jackson gave me a little whimper and snuggled himself immediately in my lap. There was a lot of loud commotion going on out front with some kids playing, so I decided to hold off on any walks for this evening. We went inside instead and I got his dinner for him. He ate very well again for me tonight. We sat in the living room for awhile and he snuggled as close as he could, sometimes laying back so he could get some belly rubs. He's so sweet! I got plenty of hugs again. We went outside to play ball for a bit tonight too. He had fun zooming around the yard!


This morning I opened the door and Shadow was already in the kitchen waiting for me. I started to get his breakfast ready for him. He got me today! Good thing I was wearing jeans this morning. Haha! Shadow climbed up into the shelving on the pantry, while I got out all his little treats. He followed me around today and sat on the counter to wait while I scooped his box. I gave him some pets, then he hopped down and led me back to the living room. Shadow sat and sniffed at me for a bit, then he felt snuggly and curled up in my lap awhile. He took a break to go snack on his food, then he returned and sat in my lap again. This evening I called for Shadow, since I didn't see him when I walked in. He came from down the hall and joined me in the kitchen. He hadn't liked the 2nd helping of the pate food this time around. Guess he just likes it fresh! Haha. I got him a new can of food and he snacked a bit. I got everything else ready for the evening, then met him in the living room. Shadow smelled some interesting scent on me tonight. He wouldn't stop sniffing at me! Haha. I tried to get him to play with any of his toys, but that didn't interest him. After awhile, he finally played with his orange feather ball. He wrestled around with that, until he worked up his appetite again.

Hudson, Zel, Gabbie & Blackie

This morning the little ones were dancing at the door. I could barely come in! Haha. I let all the kiddos out for their potty break. They got their paws dried off, then it was time for breakfast. Everyone ate all their food for me. We went back out for a little while. Gabbie and Zel were telling me they wanted in, so I let them go. Blackie and Hudson were still roaming around for a few minutes. Soon, they were ready to come inside too. Zel burrowed under her blanket on the couch. Gabbie came and sat by me, along with Blackie at my feet, both wanting their pets. Gabbie went and snuggled up with Zel for a bit. Soon, Blackie wandered down to his room. This evening I thought I heard Blackie barking along with the little ones when I got there. I came in and he was doing a little dance, and followed along to let the others out. Everyone raced for the back door. They all pottied quick, then came in to eat. Zel was working on her bone after she finished, and was quite adamant that none of the others could come close! Haha. I don't think I've ever seen her be grumpy about that before. We all headed outside again so the kiddos could get another potty break in before bedtime. Blackie must have thought it was pretty nice out. He was hesitant to come back in! Haha.

Rusty & Ruby

This morning I let Miss Ruby out and she took a quick potty break. She was all excited for her breakfast! Those two ate and Rusty got his allergy medicine. I took care of the other critters next. Salem was happy to get some attention! She was talking to me the whole time. Rusty and Ruby went outside with Ranger for a little while. After Ruby decided to go in, I switched and let the other pups out for breakfast and potty breaks as well. This afternoon the guys were working on the floor. I let Ruby out and she tried to run back in, but I caught her. I took her out to the grass with me, then she was fine. She did her business, and even roamed around a little while. Rusty came out and rolled around in the grass. This evening I came inside and Ruby was bouncing around so excited! I got her and her brother some dinner. We went outside after that, and they both did their business. I was helping dad figure out a new plan for the other pups for awhile. Ruby actually hung around with us out there a lot longer than I expected. I think she is getting used to everyone a little more.