My sweet Chelsea girl came and snuggled up to my leg right away when I came in tonight! We slowly made our way into the kitchen, since she kept stopping to be pet! She had her dinner right away and sat like such a good girl while I put it in her bowl. She had to stop while I filled her water bowl to accompany me and make sure I wasn't going anywhere without her. I sat with her until she finished. Then she got that excited look in her eye. She knew what was coming next! Chelsea looked at me, then pointed with her nose at the counter where her leash was. It was beautiful out, so we took a nice long walk around the neighborhood. When we got back home we sat outside for a few minutes. She got excited when a boy rode his bike past the yard, and went running along next to him! She went inside and asked for a treat. She got a couple! I turned on her music and gave her a yummy rawhide to work on after I left. She's such a good girl!
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Are we going for our walk yet? I'm ready!