As I walked up the driveway, I could hear my friends announcing my arrival! All three greeted me at the gate, it was so good to see them again! I opened the gate and thought they would follow me outside, but it took a few trips back and forth to get all three outside! Ginger went first, followed by Tiger and then Scout! We stayed outside for a little bit, Scout and Tiger running around the yard. Ginger, however, was ready to get back inside as soon as possible! All three gathered at the door and back inside we went! I gave the dogs a fresh bowl of water and filled their food bowls, then I went out to talk to Scotch! I got a warm greeting and stayed to give some love and attention, I was even able to get a cute snapshot of Scotch! After I filled the food and water dish, I said goodbye to Scotch and headed back inside to give the dogs some treats! As soon as I grabbed the treat bag, all three raced over to be the first in line! We then sat down and took turns scratching and petting the dogs! It was time for me to go, so I said my goodbyes!