Sunday, March 20, 2011

Mandy & Aeryn

Both Mandy and Aeryn were waiting for me at the front door when I arrived early this morning! They ran around, turning in circles, excited to go outside. Once outside, Mandy ran around the yard, while Aeryn wandered around, enjoying the warm morning air. Soon, it was back inside to eat breakfast and a yummy treat. Mandy was ready to head back to bed, so I tucked her in. Aeryn then jumped up and joined her sister for a few more hours of sleep! Later that morning, the sun was shining so outside we went! Mandy was still a little sleepy, so she wasn’t ready to play with her toys. The neighbor dog must have heard me say something abouta ball, because soon she brought over her ball and wagged her tail, ready to play! The girls continued to enjoy the beautiful, sunny day. With fresh water and food, they were set! I gave each a bunch of scratches before I left. Thanks for a great time, see you soon!


Caesar heard me coming this morning and made his way from his furry blanket to come see me! He meowed at me, then followed me into the kitchen. While he worked on his yummy breakfast I gave him his shot. I knew what he wanted next! After I cleaned his litter box, we went to our spot and he got plenty of attention. He was just purring away! I had some hair ties on my wrist, so we even did a little play time with those. He rolled to his side and batted at them above his head. His little motor was still running the whole time! When it was time, I said goodbye and told him mom and dad would be home soon!
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Shelly, Dakota, Buddy, Clover, Mickey, Emma & Junior

This morning I got Dakota leashed up and we all headed outside. It was nice and warm already this morning! Shelly ran around along the fenceline. Dakota still wanted to go to his spot by the fence, but we walked around elsewhere. Buddy was zooming around trying to get everyone to play with him! Dakota and I walked over by the horses to say good morning to them. Junior and Emma both made their way over and let me pet their foreheads for just a second. Junior is such a little cutie! Later Dakota and Shelly wanted to go in, so we did. They got their treats, but Buddy wanted to stay out and explore. I visited with Clover for a little bit, who was sleeping behind the couch again. I just love her big adorable eyes! Back in the kitchen, Dakota and Shelly took advantage of being able to get all the attention with Buddy still outside! Shelly was dancing around by me and coming up to get her side pet. Then, while Dakota was working on breakfast, Shelly rolled over for me and got a belly rub! Dakota and I went back out with Buddy for a bit. Shelly wanted to stay in. Buddy finally got that big branch out of the pile. It was hilarious to watch him carry that around! Then, he came back again and again to get more sticks, as if he was starting his own pile. Silly boy! We all went back in and they got their treats before I left. They will be happy to see their parents come back home today!
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