This evening I came in and Noell met me along the way. She walked me to her room, where I found Sadi just sitting. Except... She was back behind the food and water bowls! How she got back there without spilling everything, I don't know! Haha. I got her little nose cleaned up and gave her eye drops. I got both girls some more food for dinner. Noell tagged along to help. Sadi ate very well this evening!
Monday, May 25, 2015
This morning I called for Major and he came inside right away. He waited patiently by his spot while I got his breakfast together. It had finally stopped raining for awhile! Major worked on his food and I got him a fresh bowl of water. He got his medicine. After that, I gave him a few pets before he wandered back outside.
Poppy, Peta & Simon
Today Poppy meowed at me right away when I came in, and started to draw my attention to her door. I opened it up right away for her and she ran out. It wasn't raining this time! Simon was sitting in the bedroom of the doorway. He couldn't decide if he should stay out or go hide, so he kept walking back and forth in the doorway. I brought him a plate of food and he worked on that while I scooped their boxes. Peta was at one of the other spots, working on some dinner as well. Poppy was taking full advantage of the dry patio today! She sprawled out by the railing and enjoyed every minute. Peta came and laid by me for some pets. She purred and purred away! I had to go get miss Poppy to come in when it was time today. With all the rain we've been having, she sure has missed being out there! She will be happy to have her humans home soon so she can spend more time out there soon.
Oreo & Stuffs
This evening Oreo met me in the kitchen, ready for his yums! He waited and brushed up against my legs occasionally. Stuffy was hanging out on the couch in the bedroom today. I stopped and gave him some hello pets, then went to take care of their box. Oreo was sitting at the edge of the living room, waiting for me to return. He got up and walked along with me to our spot. Oreo snuggled up next to me and purred away while he got his pets and chin rubs. Stuffy came wandering in right away as well. He snuggled up to me on the other side for his attention time.
This morning Shadow was sitting at the door waiting for me. He walked around my legs while I got his breakfast ready for him. He got started on that, then I went to get all his treats for him. After I got his box scooped, I sat in the living room, where Shadow was waiting for me. He laid next to me to enjoy some pets. He climbed up to my lap for just a minute. Then, he was in play mode. Shadow was a crazy kitty this morning! I had him playing with his kitty toy, then he suddenly jumped up and started zooming around the house. He raced from one cat tree to the other, climbing all the way to the top as fast as he could! Haha. This evening, I came in and Shadow met me in the kitchen. He gobbled down his treats first this time, then worked on his dinner. After I got back from his box, he came and had to check me out for a bit. He was in his love nibble mood tonight. Haha. Finally, he stopped and just sat with me and enjoyed his pets. He got up now and again to go snack.