This morning Crash and Genny played outside for a little while. It was another very warm morning! They came back in after a little bit for a treat. I sat on the floor with them. Crash and I played while I pet Genny. He kept squatting down on his front legs, then would run a quick lap around the house! He'd come back and paw at me or crawl in my lap and give me kisses. Later, we all went back outside for awhile. They both laid down and listened to the birds sing. Crash then decided to go dig a hole! I kept getting him to stop, then he'd look at me and go at it again. Little booger! We headed inside and I got him all cleaned up. This evening they played outside again before that cold weather is supposed to set in! They both ran around tonight. They ran to the fence and said hi to their neighbor friend. Genny laid down and seemed to enjoy the night breeze. But soon after, Crash was busy trying to get her to play! I had them come inside so I could take care of Crash's ear. He saw the bottle and immediately went to hide! It's funny how they know exactly what it looks like. Once I got it in and started rubbing his ear, then he didn't seem to mind. He leaned into my hand since it must have felt good to get that itchy spot! His ear was pretty dirty, so hopefully it starts feeling better soon. I gave him a treat for being such a trooper!
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