Friday, December 23, 2011

Suzzie, Heiny, Quartz, Chocolate & Kitty Cat

Heiny ran to the fence to see me right away. It took Suzzie a minute to get up and over to the fence as well, but she was just as excited, giving me her cute smiles. Kitty was snuggled up, all cozy on the back of the couch today. Quartz was waiting for me in his usual spot, ready for some attention. He meowed at me and rubbed his face in my hands. Chocolate was sunning herself on the bed in the guest bedroom. Once I let the girls inside, they were ready for their turn to be pet. Suzzie was even half climbing into my lap! Heiny laid next to me and would paw at me any time I stopped petting her to of the others. Not enough hands for everyone! Suzzie didn't like Kitty getting anywhere near her food dish today and growled at her. Kitty took that sign and stayed away, meowing sadly at me from the laundry room. I made sure she got plenty of love though! I visited with Quartz again when I went to shut the water off. Chocolate had moved to underneath the bed, so I just let her be. The girls went back outside when it was time and got their yummy treats!


This morning was a bit chilly out, but the sun was already warming things up. Flax and I started off on our walk right away. He decided to take a detour to visit the neighbor's house this morning. When he returned, he curled up on his bed for a bit as usual. Later, he got up and went to lay out in the grass and watch the birds and squirrels playing outside. This afternoon Flax was laying out in front of the house. He let out a few barks as I pulled in, then came over to greet me in my car. We headed inside so he could relax on his warm bed. He groaned as I scratched him on his back and side. I even got his little leg going! Flax followed me around before it was time to go, collecting his treats as quickly as I was setting them out for him! Tonight Flax woke up and went outside for awhile. He laid on his bed to enjoy the cool evening air before coming in for the night.