This evening Frankie greeted me at the door, wagging her tail like crazy, so happy to have my company. I quickly put her leash and collar on so we could go outside. I let her take as long as she needed, until she started dragging me, full speed back towards the apartment. That was my cue to go back upstairs. Once back inside, I gave her a big hug and we sat in the living room for a bit. Then I gave her a back scratch until she was about asleep.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Zues, Baby & Xena
First things first, I let Zues and Xena out of their beds. Of course, Zues had to give me multiple giant hugs before we could do anything else. I let them out back with Baby. They were so excited to be outside. They ran around a little bit while I got them some fresh water. They definitely didn't like to stay in one place for long. All three of them were wandering around and playing the entire time. I think Baby layed down for a good two minutes once, but then got back up to start digging in one of his holes. Zues would always let me know when he wanted my attention. He would get real close and bark at me "Pet me now!" How could I say no to that face?
This afternoon Sarge eagerly ran out of his kennel to see me. I waited until we were outside before actually saying hello to him because he would get really excited everytime. Once outside, he was so happy, jumping up and down, ready for some attention. I sat down on the porch with him and he gave me kisses and hugs galore. After that, I made sure he went potty for me. He was a good boy and went right before we headed back in. I also let him get a drink before it was back to bed.
This afternoon Miranda wanted to play, of course, and enjoy the weather. She loved when it was nice out. She usually played fetch with me a lot longer on nice days. We played for awhile, then she eventually took a seat by me in the shade so I could give her some attention. I gave her a back scratch and a tummy rub, and she was in heaven.
Buckley, Chloe, Tizzy, JR & Bootsie
Today the pups raced out of their room and to the back door. They all ran laps around the yard. I saw Bootsie lounging on the sidewalk by the pool gate. He rolled to his side and stretched out towards me. Later the dogs were all circled around their favorite tree. That sassy little squirrel was back! I watched it run circles in the tops of the tree, then down the side to taunt the dogs. I watched Tizzy run up the side of the tree a few times. I walked over to try and get it on video, but the little squirrel saw me and took off to a few trees down in the neighbor's yard. I wasn't even anywhere close to them yet! Darn! Bootsie followed me around and kept me company. He got lots of attention. Soon everyone was pretty warm and came to lay by me in the shade. When it was time we headed inside. I was surprised when the dogs went racing in to say hi to the cleaning lady, and I think she was just as surprised! I quickly rounded everyone up and got them back in their room. I couldn't find any of their nylabones today, so I found two kong and two other toys to put peanut butter in.
Jimmy, Sugar, Buddy & Charlie
This afternoon the pups ran around and played outside the entire visit. Buddy would walk around the border of the fenceline and snoop around a lot. Jimmy would run about and bark at the neighbors' dog, and visit me, giving me smooches every now and again. Sugar just picked a spot in the grass near me and relaxed. This evening they were just as excited to play outside again. They lined up at the door when they were ready to eat. They gobbled up all their meds and taters quickly. Then they took turns grabbing some of their doggie food, seeing as none of them were too fond on sharing. Eventually they all went and layed down somewhere after they had their fill. Jimmy's favorite spot was on my lap, while the other two liked their doggie bed.
Biscuit, Dilly, Jezebel & Roxy
Today all the pups started barking when I got there. Even Bert was talking from her room. The three little ones ran outside with me. Dilly hopped up and sat in my lap for a little bit. She ran off to go play with Biscuit and Roxy. It was another gorgeous afternoon to play outside! We heard a loud sound out there that startled the dogs and got them all running to the fence to bark at the mysterious noise. Surprisingly, Roxy was busy enough exploring most of the time today to be wanting to play fetch. But soon she came galloping over with a rope toy that she placed in my lap for a short game! Bert came outside and wandered around with the other two for a bit. She came over with Biscuit for some attention. When it was time to head in, everyone came running. But, for some reason, no one wanted to go in the kitchen today! I had to get them one-by-one to go in. Silly pups!
Jerrie & Kimmie
This morning Kimmie was sitting by the kitty tree and Jerrie was lounging on the couch. Kimmie followed me and was rubbing her face on the doorway while I cleaned litter boxes. She then moved to rubbing up against my legs as we made our way to the bathroom. She hopped up on the chair and watched me. I went back in by Jerrie. He hopped down and claimed my lap first today. He purred away while I pet him. Kimmie climbed up on the back of the chair behind my head. I pulled out my phone and shined the reflection from the sun on the wall next to her. She kept making silly little meows at it! She's so funny. Later Jerrie moved to the arm of the chair while I brushed him. Then, he decided to climb to the middle tier and sun himself for awhile. Kimmie got her turn for attention next. She followed me while I returned the brush and walked me to the door when it was time to go.
Tipper, Roz, Meeko, Georgia, Sky & horses
This morning the pups got to go play outside while I fed Meeko. He enjoyed his snack while I gave him some fresh food and water. The girls came in and ate their breakfast next. I went in to visit the snuggly kitties. One decided to hop in the litterbox, on top of the scoop while I was scooping and peed right on it! "Don't forget this one!" Haha! The girls and I went outside and I noticed Tipper kept running up and looking into the pond. Then, I realized I didn't see her green ball anywhere. So, I grabbed a net and dug around in there, carefully not to get any fish. I pulled out a kong, but no green ball! Tipper was happy to carry the kong around though, so I went to go see the horses. I let the girls out and checked on their hay. Tipper got to play a little fetch before I left. Even though it was cloudy, I let the girls stay outside for the afternoon since there was only a 20% chance of rain. I'm glad I did, since it turned out to be a gorgeous day! This evening the girls were doing their happy little dance at the back door. I let them inside for their dinner and treat. The kitties knew I was there and were scratching and meowing at the door for me to come in! I visited with them after the girls finished their dinner. Tipper, Roz and I headed outside later. Tipper was looking into the pond again, so I grabbed the net to look once more. First, I fished out a red kong - the same one! She must have snuck it back in there on me. Silly girl! Then, I got out another ball, but still not the the green one. I went to feed the horses since I got Tipper a couple toys to keep her occupied. No one wanted to cooperate tonight. First Skippy was in by the older gals, then Chicka and Marie snuck in by the other two before I could get the gate closed. Finally I got everyone situated and eating their food while I got a little more hay for Marie and Chicka. Back at the house, I played a little fetch with Tipper. She wasn't quite as interested without her green ball! She was holding the kong in her mouth, searching for the ball in between throws. Roz was having fun checking out the tree house and even tried getting the kong a couple times too. Eventually we headed in and I tucked them in for the night.