This morning I put the pups collars on, then let them outside right away. They came back in after doing their business to eat breakfast. Neither Titus nor Angel was interested in eating at first. Angel was more worried about claiming a bowl and keeping Titus away from it! Eventually, Angel grabbed a mouthful of kibbles and ran them over to her bed to eat them. While she was nibbling on those, Titus went ahead and laid down by the bowl she was grabbing them from. She came back for another mouthful, and they made me laugh. She looked at Titus for a minute, as if to say, "Hey that was my bowl!" Titus responded by putting his nose in the dish and pulling it closer to him. "It's mine now!" So, miss Angel had to go eat from the other bowl instead. They're so funny! We headed back outside once they finished. Angel got me her toy and we played a little fetch. Titus joined in and chased along with her, throwing paws once in awhile. This evening the pups bounced their way to the back door. Then, they met me in their room and came in for dinner. Angel sat by me for a few pets before she was ready to lay down and eat. They finished quickly tonight, so then we made our way back outside. Titus and I chased a bit, while Angel explored. Titus did some relaxing in the grass a little too. They both sat by me for some neck scratches. I made sure they had plenty of fresh water before bed.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Dillon, Ty & Boo
This morning I walked up to the house and saw two little white faces in the window! They had somehow figured out how to get out of their room apparently. I don't think they were out long though. They didn't get into any trouble while they were out and were good boys. I let them outside and checked all around the house, just to make sure. Boo was having fun racing around with me. He pawed at my back while I filled his food dish. I stopped to pet him for a bit. He was really wanting my attention today! Boo tried grabbing at me any chance he got so I'd stop to pet him some more. Silly kitty! Later I headed outside with the boys. They were busy checking things out under the shed, looking for their little rabbit friend. I heard Boo meowing from inside and noticed he was walking around in the window sill. The grass was wet this morning, so when it was time to go in, the boys needed their paws cleaned off. This evening I got there a little early and gave the boys some extra playtime outside. Boo was having fun playing with one of the leashes on the table, while I was letting them outside. I sat out there with them for awhile right away. Boo came and sat in the window, meowing at me to come back inside. I went in and pet him for a little bit, then took care of everything. He sat on the back of the chair in the dining area and was peeking around the corner at me at almost eye level! We played a little and I teased him with my fingers against the corner of the wall. Paws would come flying around the corner to try and get me! He's so funny. When I finished I went back out by the boys. I noticed they were hovering over something by the fence, so I got up to see what they were up to. It was a tiny baby turtle! He was all holed up in his shell, hiding from the big white puppy dogs. I went ahead and moved him elsewhere for everyone's safety. The boys gave me that "Aw, you're no fun!" look. Eventually they went on to explore some more around the yard. They both laid in the grass and did some relaxing too. When it was time to head in, they sat and got their eyes cleaned up like good boys.