This afternoon Rusty came running into the kitchen to see me. The little kitten was not far behind him, jumping on a chair to stay out of the way. I let Ruby out and we all headed outside. Rusty had his ball ready for me, as usual. I tossed it for him a couple times. He was more worried about trying to get the snow off of it! He would paw at it, then it would roll and get more snow on it. So, he would attempt to bite it off. He tried to carry it back with some snow on it, but he wouldn't get far before he'd have to drop it, because it was too cold! It turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon. The sun was out and the snow was melting. We headed in for a little bit. Rusty and Ruby sat on the couch with me to be pet. Our little kitty friend joined us in the living room. He would occasionally swat at Rusty as he'd walk by. He's so funny! Rusty and I went back out to play fetch a little more before I left.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Sadie, Zoie & Cole
This morning I let Zoie outside. She spent a little bit wandering out there, then I heard her barking about something. She had gotten herself stuck! I got her loose and dried her off before letting the other two out. I got them all their breakfast, and Cole got his morning pill. Zoie made sure to get her Frisbee out to play. She flopped it in my lap, wanting to play some tug. Sadie was goofing around, rolling on the floor and being silly. Cole was happy just getting his heiny scratches. I bounced a ball around for him a bit too. Sadie was hanging around the back door for a bit, so I let her out again. She spent a bit exploring out there. This afternoon, the pups all met me at the door. After they all had their potty breaks, Zoie was excited to gather up her toys for me. Sadie spent awhile outside again, since it was pretty nice out. The sun was shining and melting the snow. This time, she was the one who got stuck! This evening Sadie was bouncing around, excited to go outside. She was happy sitting out there for awhile, keeping an eye out for her little black neighborhood kitty. Zoie kept busy bringing me toys to toss for her. I fed the pups their dinner before bed.
Sadi & Stormy
Today the girls were snuggled on the chair together when I walked in. I got their food ready, then Stormy hopped down and followed me to get started. There was an oopsie on the carpet, so I cleaned that up quick. Then, I woke up Sadi to give her her medicine. She didn't have a lot of discharge to clean up, so she sounded pretty good today. I set her by the food when we were done. Since she didn't want that at the moment, I put her front end in the litter box. She didn't have to use that either, so she headed to the living room. Stormy followed us too, then she sat on her sock. She batted that around for a few minutes, while Sadi got brushed. Stormy wandered off, then came back later for a few chin scratches. I took Sadi to eat a little before I left. As soon as she was done, I put her in the litter box again, and this time she went.
This morning the boys were snuggled on Flax's bed. Boney quickly got up and was following me around again. He tried to sneak in the house again today, when I went to feed the fish. Little goober! When I came back out, he was sitting on his table, ready to be fed. He was being a little spunky this morning, trying to hop from the table to the shelf. Well, that didn't work out well for him. He slipped and fell down, but caught himself half way. So he was just dangling from his front paws, a half a foot from the ground. I helped him down, then went to take some food out for Booty. His bowl was gone again, so at least someone is coming to eat. This afternoon the boys were both awake. I got them some more water, then applied some ointment to Flax's cheek. Boney was wandering around by my legs, so I sat and pet them a bit. Later, Flax got up and wandered outside. Boney and I followed along. It had turned out to be a pretty nice afternoon. The sun was shining and warm. Flax picked a spot in the snow to curl up and relax. There was some perfectly dry pavement he could've laid on, but he wanted to lay in the cool snow instead. Boney was busy exploring and checking out the yard. After a little while, Flax went back to his cozy bed. This evening Boney met me at the door. He followed me around, ready to eat again! He is like a bottomless pit! Haha! I got Flax some dinner as well. Boney had to check that out too.