This afternoon I came in and the kiddos were all dancing around in the kitchen. I took their bands off, then let them out back. Next, I got Jacob and brought him out. Mator was keeping an eye on what I was up to. It was a beautiful afternoon out today! We spent a good while just enjoying the weather. The pups all took their turns to say hi. When it was time, I got them all ready to go back inside. I got them each a cookie before I left. This evening, it was still very nice out. I got everyone out back and we all sat outside until bedtime. Everyone went into their beds pretty well for me, except Conroy. He was running circles around furniture so I couldn't get him. Haha! Eventually, I did and he joined the others.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Daisy & Sophie
Today I came in and found evidence that Sophie was busy having fun in my absence! She had gotten a plastic bag from somewhere with what looked like door parts and had strewn them about. Haha. I picked her mess up, then went to see Daisy. She was sitting by the gate, ready for her food. I got that ready, with Sophie at my heels, waiting for some attention. She was a spunky girl today and was zooming all over the place! Daisy got to work on her food, then Sophie helped me clean her box. She rolled around on the floor, happy as can be while I pet her.
Molly, Emma & the kitties
This morning I came in and let the ladies outside. It was already a much nicer start to the day, and was going to be beautiful out! Miss Molly needed some help getting up today. Poor girlie. I helped her get outside, then she was able to go on her own. I brought their breakfast out on the patio for them this time. Molly got a few bites in, but then her legs were tired. She laid down and wasn't interested after that. Emma had no problem polishing off her bowl though! I got the girls a cookie, then went in to visit the kitties a bit. Smudge was chillin' on the piano again. She's so funny! Micah and Henry wandered out to come visit me for some attention. This evening, I saw both girls were relaxing the the grass. It was still just so nice out! I let them inside right away. Miss Molly almost made it to the door, but then her heiny gave out on her. I helped her inside to her bedtime spot. I fed Emma, then brought Molly her dinner. Both ladies ate well tonight. The kitties were following me around as I was checking on things and taking care of their box. I had noticed when I came in tonight that someone had pulled out all kinds of stuff! I guess it's not just Gracie after all. Haha! There were some pool goggles out in the middle of the floor. Think Henry wanted to go diving for his trinkets he leaves in the bowl? LOL! He was being quite the little goofball tonight.
Annie, Izzy & Cali
This morning I fed the girls right away, then it was time to head outside. While they did their thing, I checked on Cali. She came running from down the hall when she heard the door open. She gave me some loud meows and hurried over for her pets. I visited with her awhile, then she got her breakfast too. I went out with Annie and Izzy for a little bit, then we came inside to visit. Annie was happy and prancing around with her bone. Izzy thought she would join in too. Haha! This afternoon they'd had a party and the rugs were all rolled up again. The girls got their dinner, then went out back. It was an amazing afternoon! I went to see Cali while they played. She was happy to get some attention, as always! After she got plenty of pets and chin scratches, I got her food ready. Annie and Izzy got plenty of time to enjoy the weather outside. This evening, the girls went out back to play a bit. Miss Cali was hurriedly coming down the hall to greet me. She's so talkative. I spent some time giving her attention. She meowed and rubbed her face on my shin. Such a sweet girl! She got her dinner and the girls came in for bedtime.