This morning I walked in and everyone was snoozing. They started waking up one by one. I let Panda and Iris out for their morning potty break. I started to get everyone their breakfast and a fresh bowl of water. Panda came in, wiggling his heiny at me. Iris took a couple more minutes, then she came wandering in as well. The girls went out for their turn and returned pretty quick. At lunch time the first two went out. Panda was first to come back. He had thrown up some food on his bed again, so he stood and pawed at my legs while I cleaned his bed and got him a new towel. He went in and snuggled up right away. Iris was still outside, so I went to check on her. She was lounging on the patio, soaking up some sunshine! She rolled around a bit to itch her back. I let her take her time to enjoy it. When she was ready to come in, I let the other two out. Phoebe did the same and lounged on the patio a bit too. It sure was nice out! Boo was busy exploring about the yard. At dinner time, the pups took their turns outside. Since it was nice out, some of the neighbors were out working on their yards. When the one next door was working on his fence, the pups made sure to go say hi! This evening Iris was busy talking to me like she usually does when I come in! She and Panda went out first, while I got them some water. Panda came in all excited. Iris came in shortly after and stood at her bed. She won't go in without her bedtime pets first! I found that out pretty quick. :) Phoebe and Boo went out for a short potty break before bed. Boo hung around in the grooming area and was checking out the boxes when she was done. I walked in there and she gave me her stare down. Then, she came racing for me! She stopped for a heiny scratch before she made her way to her bed for the night.