This evening Oreo heard me come in and started making his way down the stairs. He was already in the kitchen by the time I got there. Stuffy was now at the landing, meowing at me through the railings. Haha. Oreo sat and waited to snack on his food. Both boys were waiting for me in our spot when I returned from scooping their box. They were lovey boys today, purring away as they got their pets. I laughed when they both were laying the exact same way! The boys enjoyed every minute and didn't move an inch.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Today Oscar came prancing up to me from the living room to say hi. I gave him a couple heiny scratches, then we went out back. He found a spot in the grass to lounge right away. After a little bit I grabbed his frisbee and tried to get him to play with me. He wasn't budging! He just wanted to sunbathe. Later on, someone was out walking their dog. That had Oscar on patrol, trotting along the fenceline as they passed by. His paws got awfully muddy from that. When it was time to go in, I grabbed a bowl of water to clean him up with, since the mud was thick on his feet. He saw that and was not having any of it! Haha. He ran away from me and wouldn't come near. He thought maybe we should play keep away instead. I ended up having to bribe him with a treat. Then, he got his paws dunked and dried off. Finally, he went in and got to get his other snack.