"Gosh, I just love this toy!!"
"Gosh, I just love this toy!!"
Buckwheat was sleeping when I arrived this evening. But as soon as I woke him up, he was ready to go outside! He played outside and went potty, then barked to come back inside. After a few morsels of food, we went to sit on the chair and relax. I picked him up and placed him in my lap, where we enjoyed the rest of my time. It was time for me to go, so I placed him back on the floor and waved goodbye! Sleep well!!
Suzzie and Heiny were basking in the beautiful sun when I pulled up today. Finally, they both heard me and to the gate they went! Two wagging tails and a smile from Suzzie greeted me at the gate! As I opened the door, BooBoo faithfully welcomed me in! I went in search of the other Kitties to say hello, while BooBoo followed behind me. I found Chocolate and Fluffy also warming themselves in the sun on the bed! I tried to snap a picture, but both were camera shy and jumped down, so BooBoo jumped up and posed for me instead! I found Quartz sitting on the bathroom counter, ready for the water to be turned on. Both BooBoo and Quartz took turns with the water! Back outside, Heiny and Suzzie were ready to come in and eat some yummy food! They came right in and enjoyed a big bone for a treat! Heiny made the rounds; her food dish, then a quick kiss to Suzzie, a nibble of her food then back to her dish! I sat down and gave both girls some scratches and their medicine wrapped in cheese! It was almost time for me to go, so I filled BooBoo's dish with fresh food, turned off the water and let the girls back outside to enjoyed the rest of the sunny day. I gave Kitty Cat a fresh bowl of food and water which she thanked me for with some loud purrs! See y'all later!
This afternoon, the girls were full of energy! After their potty break, both Mandy and Aeryn played with their toys and barked at each other in excitement! Each girl would take turns bringing their toys to me to throw and then they would chase it! While we were playing, we could hear the Kitties meowing at us, wishing they could play too!
I could hear barking as I pulled up tonight! Mandy and Aeryn greeted me with wagging tails, ready to go outside. They went outside for a quick potty break and they barked outside, ready for dinner! As soon as they got back inside, both looked up at me, as if to say "OK, we are ready for our treat and dinner!" After they got done eating, we played a little bit longer and then it was time for me to go. I gave each a little hug and thanked them again for a great time! Santa also left a few toys for all the animals! Happy Holidays!