Heathcliff and Atticus both came running when I came in today! Both boys followed me all over the place. They all were slightly craving some attention! They had finished all their food, so I filled their bowls and gave them their wet food right away. They got right to eating as I started to clean all the litter boxes. Ava was trying to eat while I was scooping the food in her dish. I refilled their bowl that was on the nightstand, and they both jumped up and had to drink out of it right away! It must taste better than the water on the bathroom counter I guess... I went out and filled the sink for Atticus. He sat and stared at it while I pet him for awhile. I looked around for Heathcliff since he wasn't following me anymore, and I found him in the kid's room sitting on the little table by the crayons! I spent some time petting him before I went back by Ava and Chance. Chance had finished eating and was sprawled out on the floor. Ava was getting her attention in, when a little white foot was popping in underneath the door! It startled me for a second and Ava went over to check it out. Atticus was trying to play and later Heathcliff sat by the door to see what was going on too.
"Did you just see that?!"
"Ok, I'm ready... turn it on!"