This morning I found both girls out on the patio. They were both sprawled out in the sunlight! Sadi was sleeping soundly, so I pet her gently so I wouldn't startle her. She gave me her little meow and got her chin scratched. I walked over to give Stormy a few pets before we headed inside for Sadi's meds. I set Sadi by her bowl afterwards and she got to nibbling on her food. While she was eating, Stormy came and loved on me in the living room. She walked her circles around me and purred away. She finally just laid in front of me and enjoyed her chin scratches. Sadi came back out and sat with us. She, too, had her little motor running the whole time!
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Flax & Booty
This morning Flax was snoozing away comfortably on his bed. He sat up when I walked in and gave me a few of his big, deep barks. I walked over to pet him, then went to get breakfast ready for him and Booty. I didn't get to see Booty this morning, so I put his dry and canned food out for him. Flax got up amd went outside for a bit. It was quite muggy out already. He went for a stroll down by the pond, then came back up to lay on the patio. He was panting pretty good in the thick, warm air. So, we headed back inside the cool house. This afternoon I stopped by to give Flax another potty break. He got up and went for a little walk. Then, he laid out in the sunshine. It wasn't long before he was warm again. I went to check and see if Booty was around, but he wasn't. He did like his food though! After awhile, Flax and I headed back in. This evening Flax was up and ready to go outside. He wandered out and did his thing for a bit. I saw Booty sitting out front when I walked up, so I went to say hi. He was attached to my legs immediately! He was happy to get pet for awhile. Flax wandered over by us eventually, but Booty knew he was safe by me so he stayed close. Flax got some attention too. Flax took a break to eat some dinner before we headed back in for the night. It was still very hot out and there is talk of storms for the evening, so I thought it'd be best if he stayed inside.
Hudson, Zel, Gabbie, Sparkles & Blackie
Today is going to be another very hot day. It was so muggy out yesterday, that I decided not to lock Blackie in for the evening. That way, he could at least go out and cool off a bit. He was sleeping in his house this morning when I arrived. He went to wander around, while I let the other three outside. They did their business, then came in for breakfast. Hudson was being a little booger today! When I wiped their paws off, he wouldn't let the girls inside. He was just trying to play of course. They went back out to play for awhile after they all finished eating. I gave everyone a treat to enjoy outside. This evening Blackie was sleeping in his house again, even on this hot afternoon! I let the little ones out to potty, then we spent most of our time inside. I gave Blackie some fresh water with a bunch of ice cubes to cool him off. Sparkles came out to visit with me tonight. I had Hudson sit with me in the living room while we waited for the girls to finish dinner. Sparkles sat on the opposite side and enjoyed some attention. I was sitting on the floor and miss Gabbie jumped up on the couch behind me. She stood her front feet on top of my head to smell me, then she went from side to side sneaking kisses! That made me laugh. Later, she laid down to chew on the bone and Hudson kept messing with her. Eventually, the pups were excited to get back outside to play.