Thursday, September 24, 2015

Oreo & Stuffs

This evening I was surprised to see both boys right at the door waiting for me! I came in and they led the way to the kitchen. Stuffy sat at the end of the living room to watch. Oreo was busy meowing at me and rubbing up against my legs. Oreo snacked and met me in our spot when I was done with their other things. I got down their cute treat toy! Oreo sat by me for a few pets, then he wandered over to get himself some snacks. When he couldn't get any more out, he sprawled out on the floor next to it and just purred. What a goof! I see how I rate when it comes to snacks. Haha! I snuggled up next to him and gave him his pets. Stuffy wasn't feeling real social tonight, he just wanted to sit and be near.


This morning Noell was in the dining room to see me again. I turned the water on outside quick and came back in. It was really loud inside the house, so I went and turned it back off. Not sure what that was all about. I got Noell her breakfast. She was busy rubbing up against my back while I scooped her box. We went to our spot next and got her fishy toy out. She got plenty of zooms in today. She had fun chasing it. She only wanted a little bit of attention, and was more in her playful mood. When it was time to go, she ran off down the hall to go eat her breakfast.


This afternoon oscar met me at the door, heiny wagging happily. I'd say he must be feeling better! He walked me to the door and we headed out back. Oscar did some wandering around and sniffing at things first. He lounged on the patio a bit too. Then, he was busy chasing his squirrel! That little thing was taunting him too, chirping and squeaking at him from the tree. Haha! Eventually Oscar got bored and he found a spot in the grass to go lay and get some sun.