Kita was excited to see me when I arrived this morning! She ran to the door and it took me three times to grab her collar because she was making circles around me so fast!! Finally, we went outside to say hello to the new day. The neighborhood dog was watching Kita and I, as we played in the back yard. I think he wanted to come over and play too! I let Kita stay outside, while I went into to see sweet, little Kitten. I found her enjoying the peace and quiet under the bed. We talked back and forth, but she did not venture out today again! I heard Kita barking, so I said goodbye to Kitten and let her in. Kita came in and grabbed a bite to eat and some water, then went to lay down in the living room. When I arrived this evening, Kita ran over to her squeaky toy and threw it up in the air, then barked! She didn't stay out too long tonight, as the air was cool. Back inside, she dug into her food, enjoying the few treats I hid throughout the dish. A few minutes later, she came into the living room and the bowl was completely empty! We played with some toys before it was time for me to leave! Sleep good, Kita and Kitten!!

"Which toy should I choose?"