This morning wasn't as chilly as yesterday, but cloudy. The boys were chasing each other as usual after finishing their breakfast. Roxie hung out by me most of the time and got her tummy rubs. After awhile they all kind of settled down a little bit. Rudy was content just laying down and chewing on the log. The other two were busy getting attention from me. Ralphi kept trying to steal my hand from petting Roxie. Then those two started chasing each other around every now and again. Rudy would break it up by going over and jumping towards them. After that he would go back to chewing and they would come back to me for more attention! After we were done I think they were ready to go in. They were all right there with me as
I headed for the door. I put them to bed, said goodbye and told them I'll see them again soon. Oh and before I forget, thank you for the note, it was so sweet!