Today Murdy came running and meowed at me when I came in. He followed me around everywhere. I saw he must have had fun with all the stuff on the counter after dad left. Since he had the medication down I moved it into the bedroom up high on a dresser. I went in by Charlie and gave him his first dose of drops for my visit. Then, we headed out by Murdy, who was waiting right outside the door. I sat with them to play for a little bit. Once Charlie was out, Murdy had no interest in his toys! He just wanted to play with Charlie. I had to break it up a couple times when he was about to get a little rough. Charlie played with the feather toy and the little mouse with me. Then, he explored down the blue tunnel. Murdy hung around on the outside watching, and would plow into the side of it every time he heard Charlie move! The boys watched while I cleaned out the big litter box. Murdy was up on the tables and counters when I washed out their dishes and got them fresh water. He sure is curious! When it was time, I took Charlie back in his room and gave him another eye drop. Since it looks pretty swollen, I will drop by again later to get one more dose in. Poor little guy!
Monday, June 10, 2013
Dawn, Gallagher, Bobo & Snowflake
Today I didn't hear any barking as I walked up. I got inside and saw Dawn and Gallagher right there, looking at me. Dawn didn't try to jump up once today! Gallagher was pretty good too. He was much better and tried a few times but would stop if I told him no. He didn't bark quite as much at first either. Later he let me have it... what's a hound dog to do? Haha! Guess they're getting used to me though! As soon as I walked in I noticed some shrapnel of some object laying all over the living room floor. I got them their cans of food to keep them occupied while I cleaned up and figured out what it was. Someone did some counter surfing while I was gone! It was the plastic bag of rawhides torn into pieces. They helped themselves to all the rawhides! I guess I can't blame them... who could resist? Once I got that cleaned up I put the Rimadyl back in the cabinet and their food cans and bag of treats in the pantry. That way, they can't help themselves to any other goodies. Other than that, everything was great in the house. I went to check in on Bebe to make sure he had enough food and water. He was out today, sitting up by his food dish. He sniffed at me curiously. I went and visited with Bobo and Snowflake for awhile next. Snowflake was all curled up in their little nest. Bobo was already up and about. I brought in a couple of the balls from the living room to see if they'd want to play. Bobo sniffed at them and nudged them with his nose a bit. He was more interested in me filling their food bowl! I gave them each a couple of the treats that were on the counter. They liked that. Snowflake had ventured out to say hi. I held each of them for awhile. Bobo went and stretched himself out on the rug, sliding head first. Silly guy! Snowflake had a blast pawing on the inside of their tunnel. Bobo had to check out what she was up to. Later, I visited with the pups. Dawn enjoyed her attention and even curled up next to me on the couch. Gallagher, well, he barked while I pet. Haha!
Jerrie & Kimmie
Today JerBear was sleeping on his favorite chair when I came in. Kimmie was sunning herself on top of the kitty tower. I quickly took care of their stuff, then went to visit them. Jerrie got his long brushing session in. He was a good boy while I cleaned off his eye goobers. He laid back again today and had me brush his chin and neck. He just sat and purred. He has such a cute little kitty smile on his face when I brush him. I gave Kimmie her share of attention too. I started scratching her chin again, which she enjoyed. She closed her eyes and tilted her head from side to side. I waited cautiously for that glimmer of sass to show up in her eyes. Eventually, it did! I knew that switch was coming. Now it was playtime! I scratched on the bottom of her tier and she'd throw paws over the side to get me. She's such a crazy girl. Haha!
Sadi & Stormy
This morning Sadi was already awake and was just sitting in the living room. It took a minute before she realized I was there, and I stopped to give her a few pets. Stormy was in her usual spot. She hopped down as soon as I opened the door. She started rolling around and was quite talkative today! She was very lovey dovey too. As soon as I started scratching her chin a bit, she got up and started walking circles around me. She rubbed up against me amd any other surface in the immediate area! She followed me into the kitchen to get their food ready and continued rubbing up against my legs. I think she's finally getting used to me! She trotted along behind me and got right to work on her food. As you know, Sadi and I had quite the day. But, I know the signs well and knew instantly what was about to happen. With my quick thinking I was able to secure her and protect her until she recovered. It's never an easy thing to watch. I sat with her until she was able to get up and walk around, and I stayed with her the whole time until she seemed to be somewhat back to normal. Poor girlie! I will check in on her later.
Rusty, Ruby & the gang
This morning I let Ruby out and we headed outside. I filled the gatorade bucket right away. Chloe, Justin and Heyday were all laying in the grass and relaxing. Next, I cleaned out the turtles' dishes and got them some fresh food and water. At this point I realized Rusty hadn't said hi to me yet. I looked all over for him outside and in the house and started to get worried. Luckily, I found him hiding under the bed! Ruby gave his hideout away. When I walked in the room she kept sticking her nose under the bed and would do a little dance! He must not have been ready to get up for the morning. Eventually he came out and we all went outside. I got to throw the ball a couple times for him. The last time he kept it and laid out in the yard. Ruby sat with me and got her back scratched. This afternoon I let miss Ruby out and we all went outside. Rusty and Ruby sat and sunned themselves for a long time. The other three outside were roaming around. It looked like they had already taken a dip to cool off. I let Ruby stay out again for the afternoon. This evening Ruby peeked out at me through the front window as I walked up. Both pups met me at the door and were doing the happy heiny dance! We headed outside and I fed Chloe, Justin and Heyday. They came running to eat as usual. Justin decided to take a cool dip after he finished. I fed Rusty and Ruby, and while they ate I checked the house for any accidents. Nope! Ruby was a good girl again. While I was checking, I saw Salem sitting on the bed in the turtle room again. She was watching me curiously, so I stopped to let her smell me again. She'll maybe let me pet her someday! Next I went back out with the pups again. Ruby sat with me for some attention while Rusty and I played fetch. It was pretty toasty out, so he kept cooling his paws and his ball off in the water that had collected on the upside down pool. He sure wanted to play though! When I thought he was getting warm enough I gave him one last throw, then we stopped for the day.
Taz & Clyde
This morning the boys met me at the door and were quite excited, because they knew what was coming! They went out back and quickly did their business. They came in and lined up at their stations for breakfast. Both pups had their bowls licked clean within a couple minutes! I asked if they were ready to go and their eyes got big and tails started wagging. They followed me into the garage to get their harnesses on. As soon as the leashes were clipped on, Clyde started talking to me! He was crying he was so happy to go for his walk! We took a long walk down by the pond. I let them explore for a bit before we headed back home. This afternoon the boys and I sat outside. I brought them out their dental chews to work on. Clyde laid in the shade after he finished his. Taz did some wandering about the yard, then laid down and sunned himself. This evening the boys went outside while I got their dinner ready and filled their water dishes. They came in, ate and were ready to go! We went in the garage to get ready, then went on our way. It was a nice evening for a walk down to the pond. They were ready for bed by the time we got back home.