Wednesday, August 25, 2010


This afternoon when I came to see Flax, he was snoozing on the couch. He sat up and barked when he heard me come in, then came over to say hi. We went outside right away and he did his business. I tried to get him to take a walk with me since it was nice today, but he thought it was still too hot out. We went back inside for awhile. He hadn't touched any of the treats that were left out for him yet. But, after a bit he grabbed one and curled up on his bed to enjoy it. We heard some noises after that, so we went to investigate. He went out into the garage, then wandered around the yard for awhile. Tonight Flax heard me coming before I even got to the door. We went outside right away again and he walked around for a little bit, before heading back to the door. He still wasn't up for a walk tonight, but maybe tomorrow. I think he misses mom and dad too much! He did eat his supper for me, then we went back outside to wander around the house. When we came in he laid on his bed and had some more treats while I scratched his back. He sure liked that!


Today Jerrie was laying on the very top perch of his kitty tree when I came to see him. After I finished taking care of everything, I went in and he did a big stretch, then came down to see me! He hopped onto the chair, then crawled up onto the desk and walked around a little bit. I called his name and he meowed back at me. Jerrie laid down by me and enjoyed every minute of me petting him! He was purring away and once in awhile would look back and meow.

Dakota & Benny

This afternoon since it was nice and cool out, Kota, Benny and I took a nice long walk. They both started chasing after some birds right away. Lots of dogs were out in their yards too, so that kept Benny very excited and busy the whole time. There was a sprinkler out on a lawn that Kota and Benny had fun running through as we went by. Once we got home, Benny was pretty tired. Kota wanted to go out in the backyard and run around for a few minutes.