Sadie was very giddy today! I went outside to introduce myself to her. She was shy at first, but that changed very quickly. After sniffing my hand a little, she realised I was her friend, and she started licking my hand instead. I let her inside and we got to know eachother a little better. She gave me tons and tons of kisses in exchange for lots of petting. Everytime I attempted to stand up, she'd jump up on my lap so I couldn't! A short while later, Chloe came out to have a look at me. She hid under the kitchen table for a bit. I called her name and she started to walk over to come meet me, but Sadie demanded ALL my attention and scared her away. So Chloe decided to watch from a distance instead, laying down in the living room. I didn't get to meet Patches yet, but I look forward to it my next visit.