Sunday, March 4, 2012

Jimmy, Sugar, Buddy & Charlie

Buddy and Jimmy were dancing around the door when I arrived this evening. Buddy started barking, running for the backdoor so I would let them out. Sugar didn't come out until after I broke out the potatoes. She heard dishes clinking and knew what time it was. After the boys took their meds, Sugar ran to the backdoor, ready to go outside now. Jimmy went with her. Buddy stayed inside so he could grab a bite to eat. Once they came back, I sat in the kitchen with them for awhile. Jimmy curled up on my lap and fell asleep.

Baxter & Bubba

When I arrived today, Baxter was snoozing in the living room. He stretched and wagged his tail excitedly while saying hello. He followed me to the kitchen where I got his food ready. He was dancing in place, so eager to eat. He nearly inhaled his can of food. I went to fill up Bubba's food dish, came back, and Baxter's soft food had disappeared. He was licking his chops like "What? It was good." I sat with him in the living room for the majority of the rest of our time. As I was leaving, I open the front door, and there's Bubba. He meowed a hello at me and walked inside. I told him it was nice of him to join us. That made me laugh.