Thursday, June 3, 2010

Baxter, Zues & Zelda

This morning Zelda was waiting just inside the garage door when it was opening. I said hi to her for a little while. She walked over to my car and started rubbing up against it. When she started to wander off I went in to see the boys. We went out right away and they did their business. I pet them both for a long time, then they followed me back inside to get their food. It was supposed to storm more today so I kept them inside. They didn't want to go back out anyways! Baxter went and crawled under one of the beds. Zeus laid down on the floor in the back hall where I sat and pet him. This afternoon when I pulled up in the driveway Zelda was relaxing outside the garage door and ran inside when I drove closer.  When I went inside the garage Zelda was hiding under the vehicle and wouldn't come out for me so I went in to spend time with Baxter and Zues.  We went outside right away and they were excited to see me and to get outside. While giving them attention outside Zues got playful and layed on his back and Baxter and him played around by themselves.  We spent most of the time outside but Zues was panting pretty good so with a little time left we went back inside. They layed down on the tile by their food, so I sat down with them and gave them some more attention before leaving.  While going back through the garage Zelda came out for me and let me pet her for a little while then ran back outside when I opened the garage to leave.  She started rolling around on her back in the driveway and let me pet her belly, but wouldn't go back in the garage before I left (probably a little too hot in there while closed).

Ladybug, Boomer, Bella & Bo

Today Bella and Bo had their sheet pulled down behind their crates when I came in. We had a bunch of storms overnight and were supposed to have more during the day. This morning I let the puppies out potty and we played for a little bit. They stayed in today and I let them out again a little longer in the late morning. Boomer came and snuggled with me on a chair for awhile. This afternoon it was nicer out when I came to see them. Everyone was ready to go play outside! They got plenty of exercise running back and forth along the fence, chasing after golf carts! While I was there, two golf balls got a little too close. One hit the fence and the other hit the roof and rolled into the gutter! Boomer and Ladybug were ready to relax after awhile, but the two little puppies thought it was time to wrestle. This evening they chased some more and got excited when they saw people walking down the path. They got some attention out of it too! A couple ladies that were walking by decided to stop and say hi to the puppies. We went inside later and everyone was put to bed for the night.

Dakota & Benny

This afternoon Kota was woo-wooing at me when I walked in. It was cooler out today than it has been, so we were able to go for our nice long walk! A little kid on a bike rode past us and Benny was ready to chase him. We saw another couple of dogs out on a walk. The one little dog was talking back and forth with Benny and the other dog wanted to play like Kota did! Kota went both on our walk today and had normal stool. When we got home Kota ate all of her food for lunch. Tonight we played out in the backyard. Benny and I played fetch while Kota ran laps around the yard. She was very energetic! She ran around then jumped up on the patio chair or table, then ran around some more! There were some birds squaking as they flew overhead. Kota and Benny both whipped around and immediately started chasing after them! I got Kota her supper when we went inside before bedtime.