This morning I let Moose out of his kennel. He and Mick were carrying around their rawhides, making sure no one else would get them! They even took them outside, and both forgot them out there when they came back in. After going potty, everyone got their breakfast. Mick came running in carrying a sock! I put him up on the bed and he decided to curl up on the pillows for awhile. He didn't start eating his food until Moose had finished and was setting his nose on the bed! Taki walked around on the bed and got some attention. Afterwards we went in the front room and they all gathered around me to be pet! We went back outside one more time and they got their treats. This time Moose brought his rawhide back inside with him. This afternoon everyone went potty then came right back inside. Mick, Moose & Taki all came upstairs with me to clean the litter box! When I came down Mick was curled up on the couch, working on his rawhide. Timber was laying down looking out the window. Taki came and curled up in my lap again and Mick snuggled up next to us. Tonight Mick and Timber were on their way to the door to see me as I came in. They went potty quick and came back inside to warm up. I tossed Mick's treat down the hall but he didn't go after it right away. Luckily it went under a speaker, otherwise Moose would've had it! Mick and Taki curled up with me for awhile. Moose was fascinated with all the animal scents he could smell on me! Mick hopped down and Moose decided it was his turn. He climbed up on the chair and laid across my lap! Timber was busy itching her ears by rubbing them along the couch. She got excited and started barking at Moose. Then Mick joined in and it got a little noisy for a few minutes! Taki had hopped up on the fridge and was watching everything from his perch. Everyone settled down again and got ready for bed.
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