This evening Oreo heard me coming in and had already started making his way to see me. He was instantly attached to my legs! He followed me into the kitchen and started rolling around on the floor, purring away. He rubbed his face on my legs and knees while I got their dinner ready for them. I knelt down to give him some scratches before I went to clean their box. Next, I walked into the bedroom and checked Stuffs' favorite spots to see where he was at. No sign of him so far, but Oreo was happy to help me look. I checked upstairs, and sure enough, that's where he was! He stared at me a minute, then decided he wasn't quite sure of me yet. He made his way downstairs and under the bed! Maybe on my next visit he will start to get used to me. Oreo and I headed to the living room and sat on the floor for some attention time. He was rolling all over the place and making "kitty biscuits" with his paws. He happily rubbed his face on my hands and knees, since petting him wasn't quite enough! Haha! I got out a couple of his toys and we played with those a bit. He used the ball as a face scratcher too. Oreo thoroughly enhoyed every minute!