Monday, July 29, 2013

Jerrie & Kimmie

Today Kimmie was laying on the middle tier, and Jerrie was laying at the bottom on the floor when I walked in. I headed right for their room to take care of their things quick. I got them the second half of their snack today. They both wandered into the kitchen, then followed the bowls to their room. They sat and nibbled a bit, then walked in together to the front room. Kimmie went right to her window and Jerrie sat with me. He got brushed for awhile and enjoyed some chin scratches too!

Shadow & Lucy

Today Lucy was right by the door again, ready to follow me around. I set out their last portion of canned food, then cleaned their box. I still hadn't seen Shadow anywhere, and he hadn't come to eat yet. I peeked in the front room, but didn't see him there either. I finally had to resort to getting out the kitty crack! I shook the bag once and Shadow came racing out from under the table in the corner of the living room! They both sat and stared at me like little puppy dogs. They each got some treats. Shadow came over after he finished and got a couple back scratches as he sniffed at me. He wandered over to go eat some yummy food after that. Lucy sat with me and got some love. She wasn't really wanting to play today, just wanted pets! She made me laugh when she curled up in her box next to me.

Sadi & Stormy

Today Stormy was right there to greet me when I came in. She rubbed up against my legs while I got out their food and her medicine. I set her up on the counter and gave her a dose. She was a very good girl. Her lip looks improved since the picture you sent. It looks white like it is healing and not red and inflamed. She wasn't too thrilled that I was messing with her! Haha! She followed me into their room to eat after I put the food down. I looked for Sadi next, and found her out on the patio. She got up when I walked out there and started walking towards me. We headed inside and she got her meds next. I set her down by the food and she nibbled a bit. She wandered out to the living room to see me, just like usual. She didn't seem like she was having any issues finding me. She sat next to me and enjoyed a long brushing. Stormy steered clear and decided to lay by the windows to groom herself. Sadi got plenty of brushing and chin scratches today.

Cate, Carson, Little Foot, Toby & Bella

This morning I didn't see Bella right away when I got there, so I headed inside. The pups were all quiet when I walked in. Then, the heinies started wiggling! I let the first group out for awhile. I went and watered the plants while they were busy. I could Miss Bella jingling, then I saw her hop up on the fence. By the time I was done, Cate and Toby were ready to come in. Carson came along too, wandering in behind them. Little Foot went out for his time while I got their dinner ready for tonight. This evening Bella was back out front again, like usual. She walked me to the front door and pawed at it. She just doesn't give up! Haha! I changed out the dog's water, then let them out. Bella was hanging out right by the door, so I had to try to get Cate to go out without her sneaking in! After everyone made their first round of potty breaks, they worked on their dinner. While they did that, I made sure Bella had fresh water and plenty of food. Then, it was round two for the pups to go outside. They didn't stay out long tonight since it was hot and humid out.