This morning I let the girls outside as I got their breakfast together. They came back in to eat. Georgia and Sky were both waiting at the door for me to come play. One of the kitties likes to hop in the litterbox to use it once it's freshly cleaned! That always makes me laugh. The kitties ran around chasing after the feather toy for awhile. I went to feed Meeko next. He greeted me with a "Meeko!" Then I think he said "Hi!" next. He was very good while I changed out his food and water. The girls came in and helped me. We headed outside so they could play while I let Chicka and Marie back out. It was so nice outside already! The horses were all doing well. The girls wandered out by Belle and Skippy as soon as I got the gate open. I played a little game of fetch with Tipper before I left. The girls got a gorgeous day to play outside! When I arrived this evening, it took a minute before they heard me. Then they both came running! After they ate dinner they worked on their bones while I visited the kitties. They were very playful tonight again, trying to climb all over me! We played with their little mouse and their feather toy. While one was biting on the toy, the other pounced on her tail! I let Tipper and Roz back outside again. This evening the horses all went to their areas to get dinner. Belle was especially excited and went running to her bowl! I put more hay out for all of them and closed Marie and Chicka in on their side. Tipper got a long game of fetch in tonight. She was pooped! Eventually she just laid down to rest a few minutes before a few last throws before bed. Roz had even joined the chase a couple times. Otherwise, she was busy running up to the tree house or peeking under the fence for something.