Today Buck and Chloe were very excited when I opened the door. They danced circles around me as we headed outside. Buck immediately buried his head in my lap and did his little dance while he got his heiny scratched, just like he used to. I was surprised to see Bootsie trotting around the corner shortly after we got outside. All three were rolling around and getting all full of dry grass and leaves! They decided to share with me. Every time I pet Bootsie, the static would make all the grass stick to my hand. Chloe went and laid in the sunshine, while Buck and Bootsie were eagerly trying to hog my attention. Boostie rolled around and ended up with his hind end in the air up against Buck. That made me laugh. Buck and Chloe would take off to the back of the yard occasionally. Buck would make sure to come back for attention in between. Later we headed inside so they could get some food and water. Chloe made me laugh when she sat under the table! Buck disappeared and then came flying down the stairs. He had gone to get his hedgehog toy. I gave them each a treat, then we went back outside for a bit. Everyone got plenty of pets. Before I left I gave them their other treat to work on.