Monday, October 26, 2015


This morning Noell met me in the laundry room. I guess she was ready for some attention! She meowed and brushed up against me. We got her bowl and she helped me in the kitchen. Noell rubbed up against the cupboards lovingly as she waited. We took her food back and I scooped her box. Noell met me in the living room for some play time. She kept hiding to pounce on her fishy today. She did do some zooms around the living room as well.


This afternoon Oscar was napping on his couch when I came in. He hopped down and came running over to say hi. We got our hellos in, then we went out back. It was a beautiful afternoon. The sun was warm, but it was cool out. Oscar found a cozy spot in the shade on the patio. He relaxed there for most of the time. Oscar saw something out front that he had to hop up and bark at. That got his neighbor friends all excited too, so they came running over to the fence to help.

Ginger & Tiger

This morning I came in and let the pups out back. It was pretty chilly out, so they did their business and then lined up at the door, ready to head back inside. We went in and got Ginger her medicine. After that, we sat in the kitchen and they got their pets. I gave them each a rawhide to work on for awhile. This evening I came in and let Ginger and Tiger out back. It was nice out so I thought we'd sit out back for awhile. Tiger wasn't about to let that happen! He said, "I did my business, now let's go!" He was yelling at me that we needed to go for our walk. Haha! I said ok let's go, then he started bouncing along excitedly to the kitchen. He knew! We got ready and went for a nice stroll. Tiger picked up his leash and pranced around with it for a bit.