This morning the pups were excited to see me as usual. They went outside for a potty break while I got their breakfast ready. They came in to eat a little before we went back out to play. Titus wandered around after me while I refilled water dishes. Miss Angel was busy sniffing around like she usually does. Then she went to paw at her hole. I had her come by me for some attention instead. They had a beautiful day today. This evening the pups were bouncing up and down when I came in to see them. Titus was racing back and forth from door to door. I got them their dinner while I watered some plants. Titus was happy when I finished and messed around with him. Angel loved her attention and that of course made Titus jealous, so he nudged her over. He rolled over on my feet for some belly scratches. When it was time, they headed in and got their collars off.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Hudson, Zel, Gabbie, Sparkles & Blackie
Tonight I met Blackie in the garage and gave him a pet before I headed inside. I let Hudson out first, and he bounced up and down at me all the way to the door. The girls came out next and they all did some exploring. I let them play for a few minutes before we went in for dinner. Zel was having so much fun outside that she didn't want to come in at first! So I got the other two started on their dinner. By the time I went back out she was ready for me. I sat in the kitchen and made sure Hudson didn't steal any of the girl's food. He was a good boy. When they all finished, we went back out to play. I got Blackie some fresh water and gave him a few ice cubes in it. Gabbie was having fun rolling all around in the grass. Hudson kept barking at something, but I couldn't see what. The wind maybe? Haha! Blackie sat by me for quite awhile to get pet. I saw Sparkles tonight on her way upstairs when it was time to put the pups back to bed.
Dillon, Ty & Boo
This morning Boo was sitting by the front window, waiting for me to arrive. I came in and pet him, before heading to see the boys. I had planned to take them for a walk again this morning, but Boo had other ideas in mind for me! As I let the boys outside, I saw the fish food bag laying on the floor by the back door... empty. I almost didn't even want to look! Luckily, the majority of it was spilled out on top of the tank. But there was a good portion spread all over the floor as well. He sure must have had some fun! I got the dust pan and broom and startes cleaning away. Boo laid at my feet, meowing at me for attention. Since the food baggie had all kinds of little bite holes in it, I looked through the cupboards for a container with a lid. I found one, and started transferring the food that was on top of the tank into the container. The food that was on the floor was cleaned up and disposed of. Little booger! This evening I saw the boys were good again as they headed outside. I got everyone their dinner and Boo pawed at my back while doing so. Maybe it was a 'I'm sorry' pat. Haha! After I finished I sat outside with the boys. They did their exploring and took breaks to come see me. Ty got all full of dried leaves again, so I would pick those out little by little whenever he'd come say hi. Just as we were about to head in, a commotion happened. It took me a minute to realize what was happening. I think a young bird had hopped out of a nest somewhere and tried to fly. It plopped down in the grass and the boys were right up on it. Then there was a big momma bird circling and dive bombing at them! They wouldn't come when I called so I ran over within seconds and grabbed them both to go in. It looked like it was already too late for the birdie. :( I got the boys in their room and cleaned up their eyes. While I was doing that I heard a loud thud! Boo had knocked over a chair at the dining table! I guess he just wanted to cause a little mishchief today!
Sophie, Kiki & Baby
Yesterday morning I let all the pups outside when I arrived. Everyone came to say hi, before running off to do their business. Sophie trotted along behind me wherever I went. I let both sets of chickens out next. They all wandered off into their own areas. I made sure everyone had plenty of water and refreshed the baby duck's little swimming pool. Kiki and Baby visited me while Sophie was taking a drink. They sniffed at all the other animal smells on me. That evening all three pups came running to see me again. I stopped to say hi to each. Sophie followed me everywhere as usual. I swear it was her goal to try and trip me! Haha! She would keep stopping right in front of me. I refilled water containers and noticed a little orange kitty hop in the window sill and start meowing at me! So cute! Kiki and Baby sat with me on the patio while we waited for the chickens to make their way into their house. Sophie even tried to help round them up. Later, I saw a little bunny sitting in the yard. Kiki saw it too! She took off to chase it, but luckily he was beyond her reach. The chickens started to make their way into their coops, and I helped the last few stragglers find their way. Before I left I got the pups into their house for the night too.