Things were blowing all over the place today in the gusty wind. There was a door hanger floating in the pond with the fish that I got out! This afternoon I didn't see the girls by the fence when I pulled up, but by the time I got the mail, there they were! They were waiting at the back door for me and ready to come in out of the wind. After they said hello to me and settled down a bit, I thought it would be a good day to play with their light. I no more than grabbed the little keychain in my hand, and they both were darting glances around the room and crying! They immediately began the chase once they saw that little red dot. The girls had a blast! I had fun just watching them. They were starting to get tired as it was time to go, but they would have played longer. Roxy didn't even want to go back outside at first! She came out after Sophie and I, and they both got their treat. See you tomorrow!
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