Tonight I let Tipper and Roxy outside when I arrived. They both said hi to me, then wandered off to go potty. We came back inside and I got their dinner ready. Tipper, was of course, ready to play some fetch! She had her ball and almost didn't want to put it down for dinner. They both polished off their bowls, then got their bone snack. While they worked on those, I went to visit the kitties. Both started instantly purring when I got inside! One of them helped me out cleaning the litterbox, while the other was rubbing up against my legs. We played with their feather toy for a little bit. Both Georgia and Sky would take turns hopping up to try and catch it. I went back in by the girls next and we went to play outside. Later I checked on the hires quick and they all came over to see who was there. Marie came all the way to the fence and let me pet her a bit. The rest of the time I played with the pups. Tipper didn't want to give up her ball at first. She would prance around and dance little circles around me, getting pet along the way. Roz was busy climbing up into the tree house and trying to peek under the fence at the dog we could hear barking somewhere in the neighborhood. I figured out if I pretended to ignore Tipper, she would then put her ball down right behind me! So we got some good fetch time in. It was so fun to watch her go after it! Eventually both girls got tired and they came to lay by me for some attention before it was time for bed.