This morning everyone was sleeping when I walked in. Boo was in a deep sleep and was still snoring away after I had turned the lights on! Panda and Iris got up to go on their potty break first. Phoebe and Boo went out next, while I finished getting everyone breakfast and fresh water. At lunch time, Iris spent awhile outside. Panda had thrown up some food again, so he wandered around the dog room, while I cleaned up his bed and got him a new blankie. The girls then took their turn outside and spent a little while out there as well. At dinner time, everyone took a potty break again. Iris came back in and was sniffing around the grooming area. Panda came in and was checking out some things in the dining room. I let Pheobe out and she pawed at my legs for for a few pets, while I tried to coax Boo out. She was just being a silly girl! This evening the first two went out when I arrived. As Panda was coming out, he stepped into his water dish, then sploosh! All the water dumped into his bed. I let them go do their business, while I dried it up and got him a new towel. He had returned and was pawing at me, while I did that. Haha! It was time for the other girls to go out. Boo was doing her silly game again, waiting for me to coax her out. Then, she would zoom out of her bed. Phoebe came back in, so I went to check on Boo. Boo came racing inside, then all the way to her bed. She had some energy to spend I guess! She's so silly.